Yoongi ?

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Jin's POV

i was woken up at god knows what time by the sounds of things being pushed and thrown about, so like any good and loving boyfriend I woke up the sleeping lump next to me, otherwise known as Namjoon. It took a while since he's such a deep sleeper, but eventually he stirred and smiled sleepily at me to which I returned an equally sleepy smile. "what's wrong, did i break something in my sleep again? god I'm so sorry I sw-" I cut him off with a kiss as he began to ramble, once we broke apart i smiled and replied "no you didn't break anything, its just that i think I heart something going on in Yoongi's room". Namjoon looked at me confused as he new an earthquake wouldn't wake Yoongi, or even dare to. "I'll go check on him" he said finishing with a smile but still sighing as he had to leave the comfort of our warm bed, just the thought of getting out made me sink further into the mattress, being swallowed by the duvet. 

By the time Namjoon returned I had almost fallen asleep once again, but I was woken not rudely but when is being woken up nice. As soon as I saw his worried face I to began to worry asking "what's wrong" "he's not there, maybe we should check his studio ?" he replied hastily, his worry evident in his voice "have fun doing that then" i said happily snuggling down into the duvet again, when it was abruptly pulled away from me, soon being picked up "oh no you don't, you're the only one who can control Yoongi, and although i love him I'm not giving up my life if he's just bored." he was right, and i definitely didn't want that or have to deal with the maknae line on my own. "fine, but just so you know, you're making it up to me, in more ways than one" I said while winking at him, he only smirked a silent agreement.

Once we left the dorms and made our way to Yoongi's studio we hadn't noticed tat we were both shirtless and Namjoon only in basket ball shorts while i wore long pyjama bottoms, as any thoughts of our clothes or lack there of were out of the window when we heard soft almost childlike cries much to high a pitch to be Yoongi. we shared a confused and concerned look my 'mother instincts' as Joonie likes to call them kicked in and I suddenly opened the door to reveal non other than a crying Yoongi dressed in his normal pyjamas and wrapped in a Kumamon blanket surrounded by toys, stuffed animals and colouring books with crayons spread all across them. I soon got over the initial shock to check Yoongi was ok "Yoongi, are you ok? what happened?" "please talk to us" Namjoon chimed in, but his crying continued but it was quieting, the only significant clue to why he was crying was that he kept holding up a broken half of a crayon and pointing to a rip in a page of one of the colouring books. then suddenly it clicked, little space. When I had initially told Joonie about it he wasn't upset or disgusted he accepted it so i decided to take a risk. "Yoongi, if you don't tell us what's wrong baby  we  can't fix it for you honey" I said in my sweetest and most paternal voice, luckily this worked and we finally got a reply other than hand gestures "mama?. . it- it broken" he said once again holding his crayon and pointing at his picture, thankfully Namjoon had finally picked up on what was going on and chimes in "aw, it's ok baby we're here now, you don't need to cry" Yoongi was now just hiccuping and suddenly waddled towards Namjoon whispering a quiet "daddy" now sniffling into Namjoon's bare chest as he was cradled by Joonie, the sight made me smile and want to take a picture. i was snapped out of my daydreaming state as Yoongi whined and made grabby hands towards me. I went over and picked him up sitting down on the nearby couch cradling him in my arms once again, I softly rubbed his back trying to calm him down which eventually worked but also sent him to sleep. Namjoon sent me a light hearted smile, which confirmed that he too had already fallen for little yoongi much like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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