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** Chapter 2**

I woke up during the night with a terrible fever. Dimitri sat up playing nurse over me.

'You my doctor tonight?' I asked more as a joke.

'Rest.' He demands with a worried face.

'What happened to your face?' I asked only noticing now, a deep cut above his eye and cheek. Trying to sit up.

'I'm fine. Just a few scraps. Your mother took care of it for me. Now lay still.' He said laying a new nice cold cloth on my forehead. He took my hand and I laced our fingers together.

'You are burning up.' He muttered. I nodded my head.

'We should get you back at court so you can get proper medical care.' He said and started to pack up our things.

'But our weekend...'

'No, Rose. We're going now.' He said in his godlike guardian's voice at me. I did not argue further and fell back asleep. I was woken when I was being carried to the car and lay out on the back seat. I moaned in pain hearing muffled voices and then we were off driving back the entire way back to court. Again I was woken when I was painfully carried to a gurney and rush off to another wing of the hospital with Dimitri giving them the step by step what happened to my leg in our fight. They open up my leg again and rushed me off to a very sterile room where they put me under and started to work on my whole leg. Coming to in a sun-filled room. I have IV's coming from my arm. Looked around and saw, Abe, mom, and Dimitri sleeping in chairs around me. Dimitri's western novel fell on his chest. Like he knew I was awake when he to woke-up.

'Hey.' He said softly, kissing my hand.

'Hi.' I said with a scratchy throat. He gave me a glass of water. I drank then gave him back the glass.

'You look better.' He finally said spoke again.

'I feel better,' I said the same way softly. I feel so guilty for ruining our weekend off.

'I'm- I'm sorry.'

'Sorry for what?'

'For messing with our weekend together.' He sat forward some more and closed his novel and put it down on my nightstand.

'Rose, you know I would do anything for you, but you did not mess with our weekend at all.'

'Yes, I have.'

'Stop, it. Now, please rest.'

'I'm sorry.' I said again almost near tears, but I did what I was asked and fell back asleep. Before my eyelids close I said: 'I love you, Dimitri Belikov.'

'I love you to Rosemarie Hathaway.' He said and gave me a kiss then I fell asleep completely. I was jolted awake when I open my eyes in my own room in my apartment. Dimitri lay fast asleep next to me holding me in his arms on my double bed. Shit, my legs hurts and I need to go to the bathroom so I slip out of his arms. I got to the bathroom just in the nick of time.

I limp back to bed then got in looking at my god of a man sleeping so soundly, he looks so wonderful and beautiful. Looking around to see if I can see any medication and there it is on the side table next to the couch. Rummage through the bag and found the strong painkillers. I drank it and lay back down in bed next to Dimitri. I slip back into his arms as I fell asleep again. I was so gently woken with soft kisses on my neck with very familiar lips and Dimitri's intoxication scent.

'Hi, sleeping beauty.' He said against my neck.

'Morning. This is such a nice way to wake-up to.'

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