Bailey's POV:
I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and wiped some sweat off my forehead. I'm with my sister Lydia and my best friend Dani, and it's our first Warped Tour together. And of course we love all the bands here, but we are going to see Dani and I's favorite today. Black Veil Brides of course. "BAILEY!!!!!" Lydia screamed in my ear. "I'm right next to you, ya don't have to yell." I frowned and look at her, cranky from the heat.
"Oh come on, lighten up Bailey. We are going to see your favorite band today! At least act like you're having fun."
I growled and was about to say something when I was tackle hugged from behind "BUDDEH!!" Dani said happily and nuzzled my neck.
"Bro please get off of me it's hot and people are staring." I stood up and casually flipped off the people looking and taking pictures. "Ugh you guys are so weird." Lydia wrinkled her nose and put her fiery red hair in a bun on top of her head.
"Hahaha fuck you." Dani mumbled. I rolled my eyes "c'mon guys, you wanna be late for the concert?" I walked towards the stage BVB were going to play at, trying not to get more annoyed.
We finally arrived, after a little bit more bickering between Dani and Lydia. I look up at the stage, standing between them.
"Do you think Ashley will notice me?" Dani asked. I smile and roll my eyes "Probably. He will look at any chick as long as she has boobs." I giggled at her expression.
"Hey! He's not just some manwhore." Dani snapped.
"I know." I muttered before silencing her. The concert is starting.
Andy's POV:
I walked onto the stage, grinning when I hear the fans cheering. I try not to let the "fame" go to my head, but there's nothing like hearing a thousand of your best friends supporting what you love. "Hey guys." I said into my mic and waited for the screaming to die down. "Well how about we start with Fallen Angels?" after getting the roars of approval, and hearing the guys starting to play, I begin to sing.
Bailey's POV:
I screamed and sang along with everyone else when Andy starting singing Fallen Angels. His voice made my heart melt. But I guess not in any unique way. The same went for every other girl who was here. Accept for Dani. She always had a thing for Ashley. But oh well, if being a stupid fangirl, I might as well enjoy it, right?
-Time skip :D-
After the concert, Lydia went to meet Sleeping With Sirens, while Dani and I stayed to get our merch signed.
We stood in line chatting about the show for awhile until we finally made it to the front, looking at the row of men staring at us, pens equipped for signing. We made our way down the line, chatting with them. Dani was still chatting with Ashley, and I made it to Andy. "H-hey..." Says shyly and hands him her favorite Batman shirt for him to sign.
"Hi there." He said with a confident smile that made me blush. That only made him smile more. "What's your name?" He said as he signed the shirt.
"B-bailey..." Mumbles and watches him closely.
"Nice name." Andy handed her the shirt. "Hey, come with me for a sec."
I blushed like crazy as he grabbed my hand and led me off somewhere. "Umm okay then..." Wonders what the fuck is going on....