Bailey's POV:
Andy led me to a small dark room and turned a small light on. "Okay seriously, what the fuck are you doing?" I mumbled, trying to back away from him, but hits a wall.
"Just calm down, okay? I'm not gonna rape you or anything, I need your help." He took at step closer to me.
"Uhhh, my help?" I raise an eyebrow. "Help with what?"
"This is gonna sound really weird, but I need you to pretend that we have a thing going on, so I can dump Juliet...."
"Soooo you want me to pretend that we've been fucking so you can dump your crazy ass girlfriend? Why can't you just say that without me?" I put my hands on my hips and look up at him, curiously.
Andy blushed slightly. "Well when you put it like that...." He mumbles and looks down at me, getting slightly annoyed. "So will you do it or not?"
I sigh. "Fine. But you owe me big time."
Andy rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Come on." He leads me out of the room and out to the bus.
"Oh so we are doing this now?" I scowled at him, not impressed.
"Yes. Then I'm taking you out for a drink." He scowled back at me.
I could tell this was going to be an interesting night.