Chapter 2 Lucas

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Lucas never judged the way Carina's house on the way it looked or how old it was, but he never really wondered why it was all old and not fixed up like the other houses. To be honest, Carina's house was not like the other ones in the neighborhood. Her house was warm down, old, and raggedy. Inside and out. It wasn't the fact that the house was old or not, it was the fact that the house used to belong to an old elderly couple that was found dead in there bedroom thirty-six years ago. Lucas never liked the choice of design that Carina's mother had, but he didn't mind. "Carina is upstairs in her room. Ok?" Carina's mother said. Lucas reply's with a nod and continues to walk along the hallways of his friends house. When he finally reached the stairs, he waited a bit and took one small step on it. He continued his way up the stairs and into another hallway. A shadow figure could be seen from the corner of his eye, it seemed to be coming from Carina's room. Lucas stopped and watched as the shadowy figure stopped and seemed to be waving at him. Lucas didn't believe what he was seeing and rubbed his eyes to be sure that the shadow figure was even real. But by the time he opened them again, the figure, somehow, disappeared. The figure was just could it have disappeared like that? Lucas brushed off the thought and headed over to Carina's room, where within there she was on her bed. Reading a book that Lucas gave to her. "You still reading that damn book?" Lucas said with a sarcastic grin. Carina looked up with hurtful eyes and just shut the book in her hands. "Don't say that!" She yelled. "It's a very interesting book and full of wonders and fantasy's." Lucas just gave her a head-tilt and looked puzzled. "Did you say that cause I gave that to you?" Lucas asked. "No, why would you think that?" Carina said while getting off her bed and putting the book back in her bookshelf near her window of the room. Lucas always thought Carina took things too seriously, especially for a girl like her. Carina loved the thought of getting out of the so called "Town of nightmares and bullshit" And travel to areas she's never been too. She would have pictures of different areas in a scrapbook that she had under her bed, and every time she got a picture of a area she would want to travel too, she would put it in her scrapbook and continue on wishing that she could be there. Lucas liked how she was adventurous like that and liked what she called the town. He couldn't agree more. This wasn't a regular town, it was also a dump. Nothing more, nothing less. "Well if your done with all that, we should head over to Seth's place." Lucas said, taking Carina's book from her hands and then closing it. "Your lucky you didn't make me loose my page." Carina said with a little smirk. Lucas scoffed and put the book in his bag and then headed out Carina's bedroom door. "Yea yea," He said "Just hurry up will ya." Carina grinned and giggled a bit. And then headed downstairs with Lucas. She grabbed her bag and headed out the door before her mother called out to her. "Carina dear, be safe." She said. "Ok mom, I will." Carina said waving her mother goodbye then shutting the door. As Carina walked down the steps to her front door, Lucas was already on his bike and getting ready to leave without her. "Come on slowpoke." He said to taunt Carina. "Slowpoke?." Carina pretended to be shocked by Lucas's non-harsh words. Carina got her bike and waited till Lucas was gone. Then, she turned to the bush near her house. The bush that Lucas had encountered with earlier. She leaned over and whispered to the bush. "Stay out of trouble alright." She said in a quite yet serious town. She stood her bike up, got on it, and rode off onto the road right behind Lucas. Carina looked back for a moment, and focused on her house, especially the bush. Then, after a while, she turned her focus back onto the road. Lucas of course, notices this, but Grins a bit and shakes the thought out of his head. "Silly girl." He said. When they were gone, a shadowy figure had appeared through the bush near Carina's house. The figure stared at Carina and Lucas as they rode into town and couldn't really be seen anymore. "Don't worry." The figure said in a low, deep, grieving voice. "I'll be on my best behavior. It's you who should stay out of trouble." Carina didn't bother to look back anymore due to her focus now on the road, and on Lucas. "Lucas." Carina said with a low whispered voice and now payed attention to Lucas instead of the road ahead. She and Lucas rode around the town. Lucas focused on the road ahead. Carina was eyeing Lucas. Eyeing every, single, move.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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