Catchin feelins

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Yungin's POV

So after the paramedics to Adia to the hospital I took her girls to the hospital to see her we followed the ambulance to the hospital i dont know how's name they registered her under so I have no idea what they gonna call when we can see her.

"August Alsina"~The doctor called in the waiting room

Me,Lauren and Kelsey stood up the doctor looked confused but didn't say anything he led us to her room I was escape ring her to be in her bed in a hospital gown frail looking I guess but when we went in the room she was sitting upright on the bed switching through channels on the TV while a nurse was giving her blood and putting band aids on her she looked like nothing happened she was still in her cloths and everything this girl was strong but everybody acted like this was a normal thing which kinda scared me how many times has she been here.

How many times are we gonna have this conversation Aria?~ The doctor asked her

I dont know ~She said not rally paying attention to what he was trying to tell her

I don't want to see you here anymore ok~The doctor said

Ok can I leave now~This girl didn't really see how serious this was did she

The doctor sighed yes you may leave now

Ok goodbye~She go up and walked past everybody

We have to stay and fill out some papers for her but can you take her back and we'll take Kelsey'scar back when were done ~Lauren said to me

Ok I got her~I said walking behind her

Hey.....hey Aria wait~I said trying to catch up to her

Get off me go away~She said walking away from me

Hey look you just cut yourself was in the hospital like nun happened now it raining and now you gone walk?~I asked her getting irritated

Plz just leave me alone~I could see the years in her eyes

Come on Aria just let me take you home~I pleaded with her

Fine~She said walking out the hospital door

We got in my car and the ride was silent until she broke it

Why are you doing this~She asked me looking out the window

What do you mean~I said kinda confused

Why are you helping me I know you saw the bathroom and everything so why~She said I could see a single year going down her face

Maybe because I actually care ~I said taking the keys out of the ignition

She got out and so did I Lauren told me to stay with her cause she's known to be a round two cutter so I stayed

We went in the house and she sat on the couch and just sat there staring blankly I just say next to her not saying a word I know I could help her she just had to let me I wanted to love Aria but she's broken and I could help with all of that if she'd let me

Aria~I said pushing her hair away from her face so I could see her

She winced at my touch

Plz don't ~She whispered

How could you love somebody who is to scared to let you touch them

Aria~I said getting closer to her

Then out of nowhere she kissed me I did t hesitate to kiss her back we sat there for what felt like forever just making out I put my hand on her thigh and she put her arms around my next deepening the kiss I pulled her on my lap to were she was straddling me I pulled her closer toward me I was going to be the one to help her I wanted to be the one to show her how beautiful she is.

Catching Feelins agust alsinaWhere stories live. Discover now