I'm sorry...

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Hey all you wonderful readers!

I'm sorry I haven't posted this when I usually do, I was on a trip to today and I came home late. Though, I am here now so let us continue the story! Please enjoy and comment!

Angel, over and out! 


Reader's P.O.V 

" Hey (Y/N)?" Kyle asked beside me as I hummed in response still chewing upon my sandwich, " Is it alright if I meet you at your house today at around 6:30? I'm pretty occupied for a few hours after school." facing him, I gave a look of confusion but decided not to question his plans and nodded in understanding, " Thanks." he thanked as I gulped down the last pieces of my said sandwich. 

" You're welcome though I am curious about your habits of such things but if it's private, I'll avoid the subject...Is it private to you?" I asked, tilting my head to the side in a cute manner as his cheeks flushed red. 

" Yeah, it is pretty private." he replied. 

" Then we'll leave it at that and never question your strange absence's again!" he smiled as I faced him with a bright grin, " though, how could you keep up with your studies is way beyond me." I giggled as he chuckled, it was like bells but deeper in tone to my ears.

" It's a gift." he stated as I pouted and playfully punched his shoulder. 

" Tease!" we continued to chat like we usually did upon the school's rooftop whilst exchanging jokes once in a while. It had become a regular routine for both of us to share our news of the day in order to get comfortable around each other for the tutoring. Time seemed to fly by as I talked with Kyle and soon enough the bell had resounded throughout the halls of the school buildings, " I'll see you at 6 and a half then, bye Kyle!" I waved him good-bye as I headed to science. Walking through the halls, I found that the cheer-leading squad were gathering behind me, feeling uncomfortable I turned around and faced them, " um, hey guys...is there anything that you need?" I asked as they cornered me. 

" Yeah, we've been seeing you go to the roof with The Nerd, that isn't what you do when you're popular. You need to hang out with us alright or else you're off the cheer-squad." a cheerleader named Natasha announced as I stared at them in disbelief. 

" Y-You can't do that! I-I-" 

" Oh yes we can, you have control over who joins and who doesn't, which means we get to choose who gets kicked out." backing away from me, they walked to their classes as ran the rest of the way to my next period about to sob, I've been working so hard to get to their level of popularity and they think that they can just throw me away? I won't let that happen! I know I shouldn't blame it on Kyle, he didn't mean to do this, I was the one that let it happen, I wasn't cautious enough so I'm the one that has to fix it but how? Entering the room, I sat behind my desk and sighed in relief at the teacher still not being present. Taking out my notes of last night's lesson I scanned my eyes through the comments Kyle scribbled upon the paper beside my calculations and smiled at how caring he was with words as well as his nature; 'try to clearly show your workings out, that way you can understand and notice errors and corrections better, though you're doing great. Keep it up!'. Sighing at his kind words I thought about how much he has helped me and how little the cheer-squad have contributed to my problems, who needs popularity when all you need are the people that love you for who you are and not for what level in society you have placed yourself in. I have come to a conclusion, if they don't accept me for who I am then what sort of friends are they? Drop me out, see if I care! I already have everything I need. 

As class started, I couldn't help but feel hyped and excited to see Kyle again tonight, to thank him for what he made me realize!

~ Time skip to 6:30 ~


I heard the doorbell ring as I rushed down the stairs and opened the door to see Kyle with his head held lowly. Worried to death for his current state, I gave him a soft hug and lead him to my bedroom. Locking the door so that some privacy was upon us, I faced Kyle who was sitting on my bed, his head still held in a position where I can't see his eyes. 

" Kyle...what's wrong?" I asked, venturing over to sit beside him only to have him scoot away which got my worry meter shooting through the roof," come on...you can tell me, we tell each other what's on our minds because we're friends right? I'm sure I can help you with your problem..." 

" I saw..." he whispered.

" Pardon?"  

" I saw and I heard of what they were going to do to you! I know that you probably hate me right now for that so I came to say sorry, you've already passed my tutoring and so you have no use of me anymore...I'll leave you be and you can finally be popular again, I can't stand having be the one that anchors you down..." standing up and preparing to leave the room, Kyle made his way to unlock my door. 

" Wait!" I grabbed a hold of his dark green polo and hugging him from behind, " don't go..." I murmured, burying my face into his back," I don't care about popularity!" 

" Wh-what?" he asked, breathless. 

" I don't care anymore. They can kick me out all they want, I just found a real friend who I can trust and that means more to me then anything else!" Shuffling, I felt Kyle turn to face me so that my head was now pressed into his chest, " please don't leave..." I begged him silently as he tilted my head up to meet his eyes through his think glasses. 

" I'm sorry, I know you're only trying to make me feel better but I know you'd rather be part of the popular group then be with me. Don't worry, I'll fix the mess I made by tomorrow and help you. Just distance yourself from me and I'll do the rest." pulling away form my embrace, Kyle walked out of the house as I sank to the floor sobbing silently and only cried harder at the sound of the front door shutting to a close.

" Honey, dinner is ready!" I heard my mother call out to me as I wiped away the tears and swallowed my sobs, trying to sound normal. 

" I'm not hungry!" I shouted as silence greeted my ears, please say it's ok, please say it's ok...

" Alright dear but the boys are having your pudding tonight, if that's alright with you!" 

" Y-Yeah! It's fine!"

" Goodnight dear!"

" G-Goodnight mum!" I walked to the bathroom and cleaned up as my family had dinner, why can't Kyle understand that I was saying the truth? Lying in bed, I tucked myself up and soon drifted into the world of dreams with one thought in mind...

Kyle...please understand...

~ Time skip to the next day ~                  

Walking to cheer-leading practice, I was met with happy, make-up coated faces. I gave a questioning look at them before they hugged me as I squeaked in surprise unable to respond due to their quick retreat. 

" You're officially staying (Y/N)! Who knew you'd ask the Nerd to beg you to come back and give us tickets for 'The Southerners' concert along with back stage passes!" one squealed as I pulled a shocked expression.

" H-he did WHAT?!" 

Kyle x Reader - Nerdy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now