Chapter 6: Chosen One To The Rescue

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Then, she heard a *vrrrrm*, the sound of a lightsaber, and turned around, to find the droid slashed in half, the "Chosen One" standing over it.


She didn't have time to finish, before a droid snuck up on Anakin, and she jumped to slice him, this time in thirds.

"Well, I guess we're both even now, should we get back to it?" He said, sounding excited rather than frightened. Meracuchi nodded, and grabbed one of the blasters from the droids. It felt so much easier to manuever than a lightsaber, which she usually waved around wildly and hoped she hit the target.

She had shot five, when she saw Baar Kata surrounded, by seven droids. Meracuchi could see her struggling to stay calm, despite the odds.

In her few moments of observation, a blaster shot, got her in the arm.

She winced, not wanting to cry out or scream. To do this she bit her lip, hard. She was a Jedi youngling. With a blaster. 

She heard a few clicks behind her, and turned around, shooting whatever it was. It was two commander battle droids.

As they all fought, more and more droids continuously filed in. It seemed that for every one they shot or sliced, four more appeared in it's place.

Then, after whirling around several times, she found herself and Anakin, standing back to back. Him with his lightsaber, and her with her blaster.

"You've heard of a force-push, right?" He asked, while making sure no droids advanced any closer.

"Once." She said nervously.

"Well, we should try it, we'd be able to knock down a lot at once, if we do it right. One time Obi-wan did it, and he even disabled all of them in the process." He said confidently.

Meracuchi looked at him, nervous, "If you're sure."

He deactivated his lightsaber, she set down her blaster.

Then they both, reached out with their hands, and with the force.

Meracuchi had a strange feeling. Like something was flowing through her body, and was coming up to her hands. She closed her eyes.

It was like she was living in slow motion. All the shouting, blaster fire, and confusion, was silenced. She heard herself breathing, and her heartbeat.

She saw black, of course. That's what one naturally sees when they close her eyes. But then she saw, a light. A small light, she had to reach it. She reached out with the force to grab it, and the small light got bigger, brighter, blinding........

Meracuchi opened her eyes, almost half the droids had been forced pushed over, and disabled.

Anakin and Meracuchi stared at each other, gaping.

Meracuchi was the first to break the silnce.

"I did not know I could do that." She whispered.

Anakin just looked at her, and the battle droids.

"It was me and you both, but still....... That was......." He stuttered, fumbling for words.

Meracuchi noticed something. The droids had stopped flooding in, and the last few dozen were fighting Obi-wan and the Twi'lek, which they quickly sliced in half.

Obi-wan turned off his lightsaber, as did the Twi'lek.

Only then did Meracuchi notice all the stares on her and Anakin.

"Meracuchi?" Baar Kata asked, nervous and in disbelief. 

"That was ........." Mason said, trailing off.

"When we're finished with this, were going to have to have a talk with the council young one." Obi-wan said, kneeling down to her height.

The thought made her gulp. She never really liked the council, they were so much taller and daunting than her fellow younglings, except for Yoda of course, but he was like everyone's ancient grandfather.

Meracuchi was silent, staring at the floor. Obi-wan sighed, he stood up, and gestured for Anakin to follow him. Anakin reluctantly trailed behind, but he paused at the doorway.

"Hey....... Good job." Anakin said quickly, before dissappearing to follow Obi-wan.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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