Chapter 1: The night where it all begin

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S: Hai everyone, welcome to my new story- The apprentice of god. And this is a challenge from Alpha_Beta_Omega2116.

I own nothing (cry)

Let's begin the story

Unknown place in Konoha

"Hand over the Jinchuriki Hokage, or this child die" threaten a man with an single hole mask.


October 10th, it used to be an usual night in Konoha and also a happy moment for the Namikaze family because Kushina- the wife of fourth just gave birth three beautiful babies, two girls and a boy.

But it all change when a masked man broke into the secret hide out and murder the third Hokage- Sarutobi Hiruzen's wife and the guards he sent to protect the fourth and his' family.

"I will not repeat again, Yondaime" threaten the mask man, pointing the kunai in his' hand at the baby's throat.

Even the masked man has his son as hostage, acting quickly the fourth Hokage throw his' special marked kunai toward the masked man and appear behind the invader.

"Rasengan!" exclaimed Minato after he successful got back his son as he immediately form a wind spiral in his' hand and smash toward the masked invader.

"Splash" 'Mizu-bunshin?!'

"Thanks for your assistance, Yondaime" said the real masked man, suddenly appear beside Kushina through a vortex and suck the still recovering Kushina into it.

"Kushina!" yelled the fourth, quickly throwing his marked kunai but still late a bit as his wife has been suck into the vortex.

'Damm it' thought Minato, quickly grab his' two others female babies and Shunshin away.

(Half hour later)

"ROAR!!" Nine tails the strongest taol beasts also the living nightmare of humanity. As a luod roared sound by a giant foxs with nine tails break the peaceful night of Konoha.

"Kyuubi!!!!!" "Ahhh!!!" "Everyone please clam down and immediately evacuate to the closet tunnel" ordered the Sandaime Hokage-Sarutobi Hiruzen on the Hokage tower, just after he spot a giant and powerful Chakara source from the forest.

'Damm it! How can the kyuubi got free from it seal?! I hope you are okay, Minato' thought the third Hokage while ordering his' ninjas to evacuate the villagers and prepare to defense their home.


"Why do you attack Konoha?" asked the fourth Hokage calmly while eyeing his opponent.

"Hahaha, after everyyhing you Konoha did you still don't know what I want?! Revenge" yelled the masked man furiously and has his eyes morph into red color.

"Yondaime, if you want back your wife-" stated the masked man and point his finger toward the direction of the tree behind him with a red hair women tie on the tree.

"Then defeat me!" yelled the masked man and dash forward the fourth.

Acting quickly the fourth also charge forward with a- "Rasengan!" but instead of damaging the masked man the wind spiral pass through the mask man like it was nothing.

"I got you know!" "Puff!" 'A kage bunshin?!' thought the shock masked man, expect his chain would cut the fourth but instead the "fourth" turn into a puff of smoke.

"Bring Kushina to safety, I will deal with him" ordered Minato who just saved his' wife and create a bunshin to take his' wife away.

"Hng, quite cunning aren't you Yondaime?" asked the masked man.

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