🔘Chapter 7: Don't Call Me Baby

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Leo's Pov

"Are you okay?" Holden asked as I sat up in my bed

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"Are you okay?" Holden asked as I sat up in my bed.

We had just finished another one of our little sessions. It was the third one this week and once again I found myself thinking about something that wasn't sex. Jaysean's words from a couple days ago kept running on repeat in my head and I had no idea why.

I mean it was shocking that he had slept with men. Cause honestly he didn't look like the type but, then again neither did I. Most people were shocked to learn I preferred men over women. Though I never suspected something like that from him and even worse it opened my eyes up to how good he looked, which was a big problem.

"Leo?" Holden said touching my shoulder.

"Huh?" I questioned looking at him.

"What's the matter? You've been unusually quiet" he commented.

"Nothing, I'm good. Though you shouldn't be so worried about my well being. Wouldn't want to give me the wrong idea" I laughed grabbing a hair tie off my night stand and pulling my hair up.

"We've been doing this for a while so, it's normal for me to care about you" he hummed smiling and rubbing my back.

"Care yes but, nothing more" I murmured standing up.

I started toward my bathroom so, I could take a shower. My mom took Jaysean out to show him more of the town and they'd be back soon. She already knew about Holden but, that didn't mean it wouldn't be damn awkward with my mother running into my fuck buddy.

Turning on the the water, I waited for it to warm up and then stepped in. I relaxed my body as I begun to clean myself and wash my hair. When I was finished I got out, wrapping a towel around my waist and head. Quickly I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair.

"Took your ass long enough" Jaysean spoke when I walked out the bathroom. He was leaning against my closed door with his phone out.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked going over to my dresser

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"What are you doing in here?" I asked going over to my dresser. I got out some briefs and pulled them on under my towel.

"Hiding. Your moms loves to fucking talk. That is the last time I spend some alone time with her. It was worst then getting stabbed" he groaned putting his cell in his pocket.

"You were stabbed?" I asked as I finished getting dressed.

"Yeah but, my mom doesn't know. It was right here" he said pulling up his shirt and showing me the scar.

"Shit" I cursed before tearing off my sheets.

"Yeah but, I should warn you that your mom invited your side piece for dinner" he mumbled.

"Holden isn't a side piece" I breathed sitting down.

"Hmm what do you call it then because I know for a fact he isn't your main" Jaysean told me.

"We just mess around. Though, I think he is starting to catch feelings" I groaned.

"Cut his ass off then" he replied plopping down beside me.

"I don't know. Maybe it's time I get in a relationship. Fucking around is becoming tiring" I murmured rubbing my neck.

"Don't settle" he commented.

"I'm not settling. We've known each other most of our lives" I said defending him. Holden and I used to be friends until one day we crossed that line.

"Fuck that shit. There's girls I've known since the playground days and I still won't fuck with them. That's because I know how nasty they are. Hell I knew they were gonna be some nasty bitches when they started eating sand from the sandbox" he hummed causing me too laugh.

"Why are you so worried about my side pieces? I'm pretty sure you already have some running around here" I chuckled.

"Not yet but, I'm working on it" he murmured flashing me that sexy smile of his.

"Yeah well good luck. Though I'm the one that's going to need it if I'm to get through this dinner" I sighed.

"Don't worry. I got you" Jaysean said smirking.

"I feel like there are some damn strings attached to this" I mumbled eyeing him.

"Nah" he responded.

"Uh huh. I don't trust you" I spoke. The look in his eyes made me very weary if him.

"Don't worry about it baby. I got you" he laughed standing up and leaving. I watched him until he was out of sight and once again I was surprised.

"Did he just call me baby?" I asked myself. I was hella confused.


Yes, you guys here is an update. So, there relationship is starting to build even more. Jaysean's getting kind of slick isn't he. What do you think is up with him? Next is the dinner and let's just say, shit is about to go down. Holden and Jay get into it so, be ready.




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