That book pisses me off

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Bas Prompt 2

Bec and Cas had been lounging around that day, doing absolutely nothing besides cuddling. The taller of the two got up to cook which slightly worried Cas since last time Bec had cooked he was extremely tired and set a pot full of mashed potatoes in the microwave.They both got up and went to the kitchen though Cas had grabbed a fairly large book to read while Bec cooked.

Cas looked up and gave Bec a questioning look.

"You sure you've got this?"

Bec stood up from where he was kneeled to get the pots and pans out. "Gatito, it'll be fine. I promise," he gave Cas a soft smile and started to everything where he wanted it and began to start their dinner.

Cas laid the book on the table and began to read from where they last left off. 20 minutes later, Bec came sliding into the room Cas was in after hearing them say "Ouch!"

After Bec hit his face on the table from sliding too fast, he quickly sat up with a worried look on his face as he saw the cut.

"I fucking hate that book..."

Cas looked up with an odd grin.

"No, you don't."

Bec glared at the book while putting a bandaid on Cas's papercut before giving their finger a kiss.

"It hurt you and now I fucking hate it."

"Mmhmm sure"

Bec was basically an overprotective pup for the rest of the evening whilst being highly pissed off at nothing other than a book.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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