To The Person Who Has Seen Me Grow

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Dear person 2,

You will never actually see this letter but that's okay because God will and he will tell you one day.

I want to thank you for everything you've done for me and I know I'm difficult sometimes especially in social groups I can't help it.

Thank you for trying to teach me how to not let emotions get in the way and to stand up for my self even though I suck at it but I try because I want to show you I can do it by myself. I will always take your advice on it just take me a while before I actually do it, sorry.

Thank you for reminding me everyday that I am loved by you and my family it means everything to me because even if we have arguments and stuff I know you still love me and that can't change. I love you to the moon and back.

I love everyday in this house with you even if the rest of my siblings are killing each other or whatever I know that at the end of the day you will give time for just you and me to cuddle and I love that.

Thank you for raising me to be a person with manners and gratitude because I hate how some children do not have them.

Most importantly, thank you for letting my believe I can be anything I want to be, achieve what ever my heart desires. For being proud of me for exam results even if I think they were bad but you are just happy I pass. Thank you for supporting my decision to want to become a teacher and not try to force me to get a better paying job. Thank you for understanding that no matter how much time I had in this world I will never understand science.

Thank you for just always being my go to person about everything thank you for trying to support me through everything and anything even if I was in the wrong but you would stick up for me as I am yours.

Once again thank you and I love you,
1st Born xx

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