I'll Make You a Hero

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Genji POV

It's cold, I can't move, w-what happened?


"You will never amount to anything Genji!"

"We used to be so close as kids Hanzo, why do you turn on me now?"

"Join the clan brother, we can rule all of Hanamura, no... we can rule all of Japan together!"

"I will take no part in your illegal activities brother."

"Then you leave me no choice."

     Hanzo lunges at his brother, drawing his sword as Genji draws his own. The two clash swords, as Genji realizes he doesn't stand a chance. Hanzo slices into his brother's chest, without an ounce of regret.

"Is that all?" Hanzo calls to his brother.

"Y-you would r-really kill your own brother, t-to withstand a gang, the elders don't care about you th-they only care about the money." Genji weakly spits back at Hanzo.

     Hanzo's brows draw together, forgetting any morals he had set before, he raises his sword and amputates Genji's arm. Genji cries out, the pain unbearable. Still trying to fight, Genji lands a hit on Hanzo's back as Hanzo swiftly spins around cutting off one of Genji's legs and making a clean gash in the other one. He falls to the floor, almost lifeless he speaks.

"Y-you're really going to do it." Genji smiles at his brother with half closed eyes. "Make it quick, i-it's cruel t-to let me suffer."

Hanzo falls to his knees.

"What have I done."

     Tears sting the eyes of Hanzo as his brother lay before him, mutilated. Hanzo cups the cheeks of his half dead brother. "I love you so much Genji, I-I'm so sorry." Genji places his hand on top of Hanzo's. "I know." He says closing his eyes.

{still in the past}

Angela POV

"Dr. Angela, you are needed in Hanamura."

"Subject?" I say curiously.

"Male, 24 years old, his name is Genji Shimada. He has relations to the Shimada clan, well obviously. He would be a great asset to our alliance."

"Okay Jack, I will travel there as soon as possible. How serious is the damage?"

"Severe, he has an amputated arm, leg, and he's losing A LOT of blood."

"Understood, I'll have him here in approximately an hour."

     Wow, I wonder what kind of fight this man got into. People are so cruel in this world. I'll do what I can to save him.

[Angela arrives at Hanamura]

     I walk into the building where the man, I believe his name is Genji lay, a lifeless body. He is completely dismembered, resting in a puddle of crimson blood. I hesitantly walk to the dying man, waiting for any indication of life. Absolutely nothing, it's going to take many medical procedures to get him back into the battle. I rest my hand on his face.

"Heroes never die, you may not know it now, but I'm going to make you into one."

     I carefully scoop the distorted man onto the stretcher as he is lifted off by a helicopter. Jack Morrison, strike commander of Overwatch wants this 'Genji' to be used as a weapon. I refuse to scrap body parts that are still functional. I'll make you a hero, not a weapon.

[Back at the laboratory]

"I see you have brought the subject. Nice work doctor." Jack praises.

"It's going to take a lot of work to recover him, but I believe using cybernetics and time, I'll be able to save him."

"Good, I'm counting on you Dr. Ziegler."

     I continue wheeling Genji to the operating room. I gaze down upon this excuse of a human, he is in terrible shape. However, I can still see the beauty in his face, he has long eyelashes, a sharp chin, and smooth lips, completed by just so many deep cuts scattered across his face.

"What happened to you Genji?" I softly state.

     I prepare the operation table. He has a pulse, nevertheless, he needs intensive care, as he is unconscious. I connect the IV to his still existing arm. I can't work on him until he wakes up. The best thing I can do for him now is to wrap him up in gauze and bandages. Ever so carefully, I soak his wounds in saline and then wrap them. It will do until he wakes up. I place my hand on his head.

"Come on Genji, you have to have the will to wake up. You are needed in this world."

{Time skip to present time}

Genji POV

"Wake up. You are needed in this world." The phrase rings in my head. Oh my gosh, I have such a terrible headache. Where am I? I peel my eyes open revealing a white room with a monitor in one corner, an IV stand in another, and in the doorway, a woman in a white coat with a blonde ponytail.

"Ah, Mr. Shimada, you're awake." The female voice squeaks.

"W-where am I?"

"You are safe, you are at the Overwatch care facility. I'm Dr. Angela Ziegler. I have been taking care of you for the past few days."

"M-my brother. Where is he?"

"We don't have any record of your brother Genji, we don't know much about you at all."

     I'm so confused. I look down, my body... it's... mangled beyond recognition.

"M-m-my..." I weakly spew.

Dr. Ziegler walks over to me and places a hand on my head.

"You are on strong pain medication right now, you went through a terrible fight. I'm going to help you." She says giving a warm smile.

"How are you going to help me?!" I scream through tears. "My brother abandoned me, my own brother! H-he did this to me."

     The doctors face quickly drops, as she goes through a pile of papers she's carrying.

"Genji, I'm going to ask you a few simple questions. Is this okay with you?" Her eyes gazing into mine.

"Go for it." I sourly mumble.

"Do you want to live?"

I sit there, taking the question to heart. Do I?

"Y-yes. Of course I want to live."

"You will need extensive remodeling, and in exchange for your life, you will have to join us here at Overwatch. Is this a deal you're willing to make?"

"Y-yes, I... I accept your offer."

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