The Field.

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    I walk to my locker alone. I'm pushed and shoved in all different directions due to the crowded halls, as is everyone else. I clutch my books to my chest making myself as small as possible. Weaving through the students that pay no mind to me, I finally make it to my destination. After putting in my combination and grabbing my science textbook, I head towards Maddie's locker. Maddie is the only person, other than King that I am friends with. Why she's friends with me? I have no idea. Maddie and I are complete opposites. Literally. The only thing similar between us is the fact that we both have two breasts and a vagina. Maddie is the kind of girl that doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks. She does her own thing, and looks hot doing it. She does things that are completely abnormal. For instance, she "smokes" flowers. But not just any flowers. Roses. She puts the stem in her mouth then lights the rose head. She didn't start smoking flowers until we became friends. When I asked her why she had said "because you will never go out into the world unless someone makes you. So I'm making you. Out into this god-awful world you go. And into the lungs of other, when they don't even know." She sang the last two sentences. 

    I find myself puking in my mouth when I get to Maddie's locker. She has her tounge down her latest victims throat. His hand squeezing her boob, quite violently I might add. Madelyne always has a new parter. They never stay together longer than a week. Her partners all know that they won't last long, but they couldn't care less. Maddie is this... this flame. She's dangerous and goes where the wind brings her. Nice to sit around with friends and family. And you can make smores on her flame. But get too close and she burns you, leaving an everlasting scar. But to these guys that scar is what determines them a man. If you have that scar then it means you were brave enough to put your hand in the flame. The bigger and worse the scar, the more worthy you are. But you play with the flame and your not careful. She will make you scream bloody hell.                      I clear my throat loud enough for for Maddie to hear me. She pushes her parter away slightly. "Hey girlie," she says. Turning to her kissing partner; a guy I now recognize from my math class she says "You can go now." Waving her hand once, dismissing him. He walks away looking like the happiest man on the world. Like he's fucking Ross Geller and he just discovered a new dinosaur. "How the hell have things been Mami?" She asks giving me a hug. This is one of the reasons why I love her. Every single time we see each other it's like we haven't been together in years. "Things are shitty as usual," I say returning her embrace. She nods her head and begins to walk. The other students leave a path for her. See, Madelyne isn't popular, she's far from it. But people are fascinated by her. It's like... they desire to be near here, but the need to stay away. And that need overtakes the desire to be around her. Why I was different, know clue. Maddie just took an interest  in me. She seen some spark or something. I don't know. Kingston believes that she likes my spunk. Which, by the way, I didn't know I had. I'm not quiet,or shy, or introverted. But I'm simple. Simplicity is key. I don't live on spunk. But King says it there.  And he knows me better than anyone, even myself.                                                                                                                       

    Then with the tug of her arm, Maddie pulls me out of my mind. I finally take on my surroundings. We're outside on the field. The grass glistening in the sun. It had rained recently and the grass was still wet. There is only few clouds in the sky and no breeze at all. "Care to help me out, or are you too far lost in your mind?" She asks, fanning out a blanket for us to sit on. Without saying anything I begin to unpack our lunches;q sandwiches, cheap wine, and a vast array of cheese are just a few things in our basket. Drinking on school property is against the rules, but Maddie always breaks the rules. And I don't drink. We do this everyday. We have a new fancy lunch made cheap. Because the only things we can afford are cheap. But the food looks great, and always tastes amazing. We have our own blog about the food we make. It started out just for fun, but people actually started to take an interest in it. Maddie makes the food taste and look good,  I photograph it and do all the editing. Todays meal was inspired by the French. Maddie pours herself a glass of wine, sits back on the blanket, the food displayed around her. I pull my camera out of my bag, get on one knee and snap a few pictures. Some of Maddie holding the wine, some of the food, and some of the whole shabang. I leave my camera around my neck then join her on the blanket. Dipping some cubed mozzarella into some other sort of melted cheese, when I see someone walking towards us. Which is extremely weird. This field is ours, and everyone knows it. Madelyne giggles then takes a sip of her wine. The mystery person continues to walk towards us. He seems to hold himself with such confidence, I can tell by the way he walks. The only person I know to walk like that is... Kingston? "Holy shit, Kingston!" I exclaim. Madelyne giggles some more, slightly spilling her wine on the blanket. Just another stain to add to the collection. I jump up, forgetting about the cheese. I run as fast as my legs can go. When finally close enough I jump on King, wrapping my legs around him. I big smile on my face I say "What the fuck are you doing here King?" We o ly hangout during lunch on Wednesdays. Our favorite day of the week. And today is a Tuesday, so this is a big surprise. He doesn't say anything, just walks me back to our little picnic. "Damn Rose, did you gain ten pounds in the past week" he says after placing me carefully back on the blanket. He takes seat himself beside Maddie. Him and Maddie are like the same people. They are so similar, it's scary. I roll my eyes at his question. "So what's new?" Maddie asks. Her question isn't directed to anyone. This is just our routine. She asks the questions, King replys, and I tell stories that have nothing to do with anything. "Well, Shelly is moving out and into her boyfriend's house." Shelly is Kings older sister. She has never really been close with the rest of Blacks. And not because the Blacks didn't like her, or treated her differently,  but because she chose to stay distant. The only person she ever let in was her boyfriend of going on six years. Yeah, six years. They've dated sick since they were both thirteen. Her boyfriend, Tobias is really distant from his family too, but his family doesn't give a horses ass about him. So he moved out as st the age of sixteen, he was homeless for two years, but finally he got a house to rent after working three jobs nonstop. Tobias is actually really nice and influential. So Mr. and Mrs. Black can't complain about him. Though he dropped out of school when he moved out he's going to go back next year. He worked hard for his house, and still does. He gets rent in on time, and doesn't drink or smoke. And his fricking hilarious. Not in the joking, haha way. But in a subtle, sarcastic way. King has always wondered what was different about Tobias, what made Shelly trust him over her own family? "Hey, Kyle?" Maddie doesn't know him as King so I have to call him Kyle. "Do you remember that time when this girl walked up to us? We thought she asked if you wanted to go out?" King shakes his head no, so I continue. "We were downtown, thrift shopping. She said 'hey gorgeous, let's go out sometime.' You said 'no' she said 'sorry, I meant the cutie beside you'" At this point Maddie began to giggle. Maddie giggles a lot. " So then you had said, 'sorry, she's taken' then you kissed me?" I said the whole thing like a question, promoting him to remember. "Oh!" He said, "Yeah, your first kiss!" Maddie laughs harder, spilling her wine more. I think she may be drunk, honestly. I pop another piece of cheese in my mouth then say while chewing, "Yeah, that wasn't my first kiss." I then launch into my story of the mystery kisser. When I was in kindergarten we were having an wnd of the year party. I was standing at the door frame because I really needed to pee, but we could only go in 'buddies' at the time, so no group of threes allowed. And at I was waiting for the two girls to come back from the 'potty' a boy my height rushed up to me, kissed me on rhe the lips then ran! Then Kyle and Madelyne took turns telling stories of their kisses. Their first ones, last one, best ones and worst ones. Maddie was taking about The Boy From Math, apparently he is the worst kisser. I listen to her story while looking around. I'm listening to her a tory the same way I would listen to music while reading a book. It's on, I hear it, I catch the words. But my main focus is the book. And right now my main focus is the veiw.                                                                              

    The view is what's important. perspective, meaning,  colour, size, shape. All of it. Suddenly inspired I grab my camera and walk towards the school.      

    I stand on a bench, aim my camera and focus. I hold my breath, not wanting to move an inch... and then....


    A picture of something so spectacular, yet something we see everyday. Something with such meaning if you know how and where do look for it. A tree.

    But not just any tree. A weeping willow. The saddest of all trees with it's branches hanging low. A tree is the very essence of our lives. It is our air, our shelter, our technology and tools. Trees start out as such a tiny thing then they grow. And they never stop growing, they are always changing. Just like us as humans, we start out as this... this egg, this sperm. And then we grow. We become magnificent creatures that are always learning, growing, changing, and improving. 


AAAAYYYYE! So what did y'all think? Too much? Too little? My first chapter, I'm excited! I hope you all likes it (: feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Especially if I made and errors. Anyways, love you all so so so so soooo much (: *kisses* okaykay, buh bye for now my lovely little pickles. ❤❤

-Ciara Cadence.

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