Jooheon||Monsta X

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Topic: Sad
Song: Beautiful~Crush
Title: Goodbye
(listen to the song while reading)
It's a beautiful day today,I got up off my bed and decided to take a warm bad. After showering I picked my sunflower dress and my accesoires that matched my outfit. I would meet Jooheon today at the park since it's our 2nd anniversary.

I sat infront of my mirror and started to put light make up on.
I'm not that person who puts alot of make up to shimmer. I love the way I am. I started to brush my long black hair,but something strange was happening. As I combed and combed my hair, there was so much hair on the brush.

I know that hairfall is normal,but what happened here is not NORMAL.
*end flashback*


I was now in the doctor's office waiting for the result.
"Well...Ms.____,I'm sorry to tell you this,but you have cancer.
Just when I heard the last word tears began to build up in my eyes. I can't do anything anymore can I?

"How much time do I have left doctor?" I asked the doctor,hoping to say that I can stay at least a year,what isn't possible.
"Uhhhm,as I can read here you only have 1 month left" he said.

"A month?" I asked shocked.
"I'm sorry Ms.____,but we can't do anything anymore,because it's already spreaded"
"Thank you for at least informing me doctor" I left the office.

I drove my car to my house,how will I tell Jooheon that I have only one month left on earth. I didn't tell anyone yet about what I've just found out. My hair began to fall more and more by day.

*skip 21 days*
The day has come to tell Jooheon and the others.
"Hello,oppa can we go to the park again today?" I asked him over the phone.
"Yes jagi,I'll meet you there in 10 minutes"
"Bye oppa" I sniffed.
"Jagi,why are you sniffing" he asked worried.
"I'll tell you later" I hung up the phone.

I sat on a bench in the park and sudenly a pair of hands were on my eyes.
"Guess who I am"
"Oppa it's you,pabo" I giggled
"Aagh how you know?" he sat next to me holding my hand
"I know my oppa well,that's why" I leaned on his shoulder

"So why did you actually called me to meet here?"
"I don't know how to tell you this. A few days ago when it was our 2nd anniversary I brushed my hair and so much hair fell. The next day I went directly to the doctor to know what's going on. The doctor told me that I have cancer and there is nothing they can do anymore." I told him with tears in my eyes.

"Aigoo,____why didn't you tell me earlier" he held my hand
"I couldn't..." and after what I just said everything went black and blood started to run out of my nose.
"____,what's going on. You're's bleeding" Jooheon said trying to wake me up.
He brought me in his car and drove to the hospital.

As he reached there,he quickly asked some nurses to bring me inside.
They came with a bed to bring me inside.
The doctor came in the room and started give me a check up.
"____please stay with me,don't leave me"

The doctor said that I might wake up for a few minutes,but I didn't have much time left. I opened my eyes and saw Jooheon laying his head by my arm,crying. I lightly shaked him.

"Oppa..." I said weakly
"Jagi,you're awake" he caressed my cheek.
"Oppa I want to tell you a few things before I'll leave..." I say still with tears
"____,don't say that. You will not leave"he cried putting his hand on my mouth

I slightly pushed his hand off my mouth and intertwined our fingers together.

"Oppa if I'm gone,don't forget me. Be kind as how you always have been. Don't stop making people smile because I'm gone. And I thank you for these incredible 2 years together oppa. I'm really greatfull that I had to spent these 2 years with you and the other hyungs. I thought that we would be building our future furthur,but what we didn't know was that there is a broken bridge to go on the other side. It hurts so much to be in this situation,but always remember that I'll always love you. GOODBYE"

The monitor made a long beeping sound giving the signal that I wasn't alive anymore. The feeling went away as fast as I closed my eyes.Jooheon was speechless,he was balling his eyes out.
Kissing my lips for the last time and saying goodbye to my soul.
"Hello,hyungs ____ is gone"

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