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reader's pov
time : 3pm
place : cheongdam middle school library

no, i don't like books. well, maybe i do like them a little. only a little.

i only came to the library to return the book i borrowed last week for our exam.

i took out my library card and handed it and the book to the librarian. after the librarian scanned my card, she returned it to me.

i was about to leave the library when i remembered that i had to borrow a book for my older sister.

i sighed as i went to the aisle where the book was.

as i ran my fingers through the books, someone placed their hand above mine.

i looked up and saw jisung.

i immediately grabbed my hand away from him.

"ew, what the fuck, jisung!"

he shushed me. "we're in the library, sweetie. you can't make noises."

"what even. why did you do that?"

"because i wanted to."

"you aren't allowed to touch me."


"don't touch what you can't afford."

"okay but can you help me? i'm lost."

"you've been studying in this school for years and you still get lost in the library. wow, jisung i'm shook."

"i'm not lost in the library. i'm lost in your eyes."

my heartbeat went faster.

my cheeks flushed.

my stomach felt like there were butterflies inside.

what is this?!

i shook my head off my thoughts and slapped jisung's arm.

"shut up, dimwit."

"sorry." jisung said as he laughed.

"where is the sci-fi aisle though?" he asked.

i pointed at the aisle behind him. "there."

he looked behind him and smiled. "thanks." he said before he turned around and walked to the aisle.


skz stans!!
the district 9 mv is out!!
i can't wait to see them on tv shows woidiwhs

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