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author's pov
time : 4pm
place : seoul park

y/n and jisung were at the park. why? because jisung did his best, or worst, aegyo just to make y/n come with him.

"here's your ice cream and cola." jisung said as he handed out y/n the food he bought.

"i'm on a strict diet, jisung. i don't wanna be fat."

"you don't eat this much everyday anyway. and you don't need any diet really, you seem fit already."

"okay, fine." y/n took the food from jisung.

surprisingly, she was able to finish eating even before jisung.

y/n got bored so she decided to walk around the park. jisung hurriedly stood up and tried to catch up with her.

soon, jisung finished eating.



"your hands look heavy. i--"

"jisung, seriously? that pick-up lines' so lame." y/n laughed.

"i'm trying my best." jisung mumbled.



y/n looked up at the sky. the sun was about to set anytime now.

"uh, jisung, what time is it?"

"it's already five."

"i think i should go now."

"i could--"

"no, it's okay. umm, see you!" y/n waved goodbye to jisung as she ran.

jisung tried his best to smile as he waved back.

he could say he failed at flirting.

bad boy - han jisungWhere stories live. Discover now