Jungkook froze. He slowly turned around, eyes intensely taking Taehyung's form into consideration. Was he breaking up with him? No way.
" What? "
" I said, Go and do not come back ever again. Or, Don't go. Don't go and stay with me " Hic voice shook with hope. He mentally slapped himself for sounding like that.
Jungkook's eyes narrowed, " Are You asking me to Choose between my business and you? " He asked, slowly.
Taehyung shook his head. " I'm asking for your time. Yes, Maybe I am asking you to choose between your business and me. What is more important to you Jungkook? Your relationship with me or your business? "
Jungkook clenched his fist.
Taehyung whispered the last words looking down but Jungkook heard them.
" You leave out that door, and we're over. "
He heard it. Taehyung heard the ding of the door. He heard the door snap back into place. He couldn't look up. He couldn't. He didn't want to.
But he did. He did and Jungkook was nowhere to be seen, as a very expensive Ferrari zoomed by his Bakery.
His legs gave out from below him and he fell down.
His heart wanted to explode. It hurt. It Hurt so much.
He knew if he hadn't done what he just did, it would only hurt him more in the future.
But It was over. The Love of his life left him. Left him without a second thought. Left him standing. He left him for real. He was alone for real.
All the feelings he tried to keep in broke out. He Cried. he cried loudly, pulling his knees up and burying his face between his arms. He Hugged himself and rocked back and forth, crying, bawling his eyes out.
The Only Logical conclusion Taehyung could come up with was that the younger didn't love him anymore. He didn't love him for he had all the money in the world and he didn't need somebody or thing as pitiful as Taehyung in his life.
Hours passed by, It was getting dark. He didn't notice his silenced phone buzz countless times with calls and messages. When he did notice his phone buzzing again, He Ran up to it to see if Jungkook was calling to apologize or tell him that he was just kidding.
- 20 Missed calls from Hobi Hyung <3 -
- 10 messages from Hobi Hyung <3 -- 37 missed calls from Chim Chimmy >.< -
-15 messages from Chim Chimmy >.< -Not one call from Jungkook. Not one message. Taehyung broke out into a sob again.
He stood up. He wiped his tears away and slapped himself lightly, " Stop Kim Taehyung. You are better than this. Stop crying for somebody who doesn't care about you. Stop it. "
Taehyung's expression melted away. He stood expressionless for a few moments before coming to a final stop. He smiled and wiped his tears away.
" I will Get over him. I will do it. I will. I can do it. I will not change or cry for that bastard. "
He Picked his phone up and called the one person he needed comfort from.
" Yeoboseo " A sweet Voice called out from the other end of the line, " Taehyungie, What makes you call me at----" a tiny pause , "----11 PM ? "
Heart still squeezing painfully, Taehyung said, " Hyung, Can you please pick me up from the Bakery? Can I please stay with you tonight? "
" What are you doing at the bakery at this hour? And of course you can. I'm on my way. What happened? " He went from Surprised to assuring to confused real quick.
Eyes prickling with tears yet again, even after Tae promised Himself he wouldn't, He shakily managed to say , " P..Please hyung...I..I'll tell you Everything. P..Please come Quickly " A soft sob left the Brunette's lips and tears made their way down his beautifully structured cheeks.
" Taetae, Are you crying? I'm coming I'm coming! Don't cry. " Hobi sounded alarmed. What could have made a sunshine and ball of fluff like Taehyung cry? Oh there's just one person capable of reducing this particular sunshine from warmth to a drizzle.
Car stopping outside the Bakery, Hobi got out and rushed inside to see a sobbing, red eyed, nose running and red faced Taehyung. His eyes were swollen and his nose was bright pink from crying.
Hobi rushed forwards to embrace Taehyung. " Shhhh, Shhh TaeBaby. Don't cry, I'm here. Shhhh. I'm going to call Jiminie, Please calm down Baby. " He Brushed the Brunette's locks of soft hair with one hand and called Jimin with the other.
Jimin Picked up on the third Ring, " 'Sup Hyung. Why'd ya cal---"
Hoseok Interrupted The Ravenette and said, " Come over to my house. Tae will be there. You're going to stay over. You'll know why. "
Jimin, Confused, Mumbled a 'okay, cya ' with a frown etched across his face. Hoseok Sounded worried and tensed. That was not a good sign.
After The Ravenette and the Red head sat down, with Taehyung in between the two, Hoseok softly said, " tell us what happened TaeTae "
Taehyung sniffed, snuggling even more into his blanket. He looked like a little baby who had fever and wanted loads of love.
" I...I...Jungkook..We..." He stuttered and struggled to get the words to leave his mouth. If he said them, it would be true. It would become the reality.
" We're over " You sighed softly, heart still pounding and twisting painfully.
It was now Tae's harsh reality.
This is going to be a loooooong fic * sips tea* or not.
Heyo, Mah pwetty and handsome readers <3 How're you all doing?
So...D'y'all want fluff or neh? ;P

Forever Alone - TaeKook
FanfictionAlone. Alone for so Long. Will this never end? It has been a year and He feels alone even when He isn't. He feels his heart wrench Painfully. Taehyung has been dating Jungkook for over 5 years now. 5 years, 3 of which Taehyung has felt alone. Al...