2 Months Earlier -
He was here. Sitting right in front of Taehyung.
He looked just as beautiful as the first day the older had met him.
Just The same...He looked Just the same...Yet he was so different.
Eyes Glued to His phone, The younger tapped away. Every now and then his phone would ding, signalling the arrival of another message or email.
Not once. Not Once did the male look up from his phone.
" Kookie, Did you like the gift I sent you? "
" Hmmmn ~ "
" Did you like the color? I chose it specially for you. "
" Mmmmn Hmmmn ~~ "
Taehyung Frowned.
" Kookie? "
No reply, Still typing away furiously at his phone.
" Kukku? "
He tried not to let his disappointment show when he received another hum from the younger male. Rubbing his tired eyes, Taehyung Failed miserably. What was he to do? What Should he do?
" Jungkook, Are you listening to me? "
Another Hum. Taehyung wanted to cry. He wanted to bawl his eyes out and cry. He wanted to cry loudly, not softly. He wanted to scream and yell and snap.
But he didn't. He didn't do anything.
His Boyfriend was sitting in front of him after what? 3 months? Other than a hello and a hug when he arrived, The older had not received one word from the younger.
Jungkook suddenly stood up and said, " I have to go. Nice talking to you Tae. See you Later! "
Tae's eyes widened. What talking? There had been no talking.
" Wait Jungkook, You just ca--" The Door closed with a ding as Jungkook walked out " ---me" A sigh escaped his lips.
He had been sighing so much lately.
So, How're y'all?
*Sips tea*

Forever Alone - TaeKook
FanficAlone. Alone for so Long. Will this never end? It has been a year and He feels alone even when He isn't. He feels his heart wrench Painfully. Taehyung has been dating Jungkook for over 5 years now. 5 years, 3 of which Taehyung has felt alone. Al...