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yesha lifted her head up and glanced at wyatt. her mind was racing with thoughts. what's going to happen with her luggage? how the fuck is she gonna get back home? how was she supposed to tell her family that she missed her fucking train?

wyatt seemed to be thinking that too. he was on his phone trying to get wifi so he could call his parents. he had three interviews in toronto in four days! they both had money, but not enough.

yesha suddenly got up, bringing wyatt's attention. "where are you going?" the boy asked.

"i'm gonna try to convince the ticket man to get us a train for free." she said bluntly. wyatt rolled his eyes. "pftt, as if you're gonna get him to do that."

yesha gave him her classic, sly smirk. "watch me." and with that, she walked off leaving the curly haired boy on his own.

it was 1:00 am and not many people were on the trainstation. saturday's weren't the most busiest of days. the only people that really came here at this late at night, had no intention to get a train. mostly just drunk college students just 'hanging around'.

yesha felt their eyes on her body. she was wearing leggings, a t-shirt, and a old, worn out denim jacket. there wasn't anything particularly attention grabbing. but, no. they still looked at her as if she was meat and they were tigers. yesha pulled down her jacket, feeling uncomfortable.

she finally reached the ticket man and knocked loudly in the glass. he was asleep and she couldn't blame him. it was 1:00 am and he had been out there all day. but with her situation, yesha couldn't have cared if she disrupted the sleeping man.

the man woke up with a jolt. his hat had fallen to the ground from the rough awakening. his eyes were squinting at yesha as he tried to wake himself up.

"yes, lady, what do you want?" he asked with a groggy voice.

yesha put her hands on the table, interwining them as she bacame poised. "yeah, so me and this other guy missed our train and we need to get onther ticket to freaking toronto, okay?"

the man rolled his eyes and asked for their names. "alright, that would be $320, for each of you."

yesha's eyes widened. wyatt wasn't with her and she only had $200. "wait, WHAT THE FUCK?! why is it so god damn expensive?!"

the man scoffed, "if you guys want a comfortable trip then you would have to pay the price, young lady."

yesha sighed and rolled her eyes. "okay, good, decent, sort of smelly man, how bout' we lower the price down. i mean, i'm only 16. where the fuck would i get that much money from?"

the man looked at his watch, "i don't know. maybe from your parents? and no, the price with stay the price."

"well, even if you charged me one dollar it would still be a price so—" yesha began until the man finally blew up.

"i said NO LADY" the man shouted.

yesha flinched, "geez, okay, chill." she said as she put her hand in the air and started walking way, cursing to herself.

suddenly, she was grabbed by her arm. she looked up. it was a guy. he had brown hair and green eyes. he seemed to be wobbling a tad bit. the boy seemed around 18 ish. "what's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?" he said, gruffly.

yesha winced. the grip the guy had on her wrist was getting tighter and tighter, beginning to leave a mark. his breath reeked of whiskey. he clearly wasn't thinking.

"trying to get away from you, dickhead." she said as she tried to pull her wrist away from the guy but that only made his grip tighter. "hey, LET GO, WOULD YOU?" yesha said, angrily.

fuck, this is it. rip to me.

that until someone you may consider the 'night and shining armour came in 'saving the day'.

it was wyatt.

roughly, wyatt pulled yesha away from the guy, and together they ran.

hid behind a wall, they panted. "thanks." yesha mumbled, her cheeks flushed. she felt embarassed, she felt weak, she couldn't believe that she wasn't able to handle the situation herself.

wyatt, looked over at her. and for the first time, he just stared. he stared at her hair, how her high ponytail was now just a mess of loose curls from running. how each strand of black hair framed her tan face so beautifully. her face was articulate. her jaw was sharp and her cheekbones were faint, but they fit her perfectly. he looked at her eyes, her plain yet welcoming eyes, and how her eyelashes would flutter each time she blinked. her body was to die for. it was petite but it seemed she had muscle on her. wyatt noticed for the first time. at the time, he didn't realize, nor did he feel anything, but he thought she was stunning.

yesha looked over at him, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared back. wyatt was pulled out of his trance when yesha snapped her fingers. wyatt looked away from yesha, and stared at the ground. "y-yeah, no problem." he said sheepishly.

yesha sighed and looked around. empty. it was all just empty. "i hope you brought you have a jacket with you." wyatt stared at her, confused. "wait, what? why?" yesha looked up ahead, looking at the exit doors which led to the snowing chaos of the outside world.

"because we've got a big storm coming." she said.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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