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Andy's POV (1 week later)

The boys and I are about to move out. Jack told me that Rye and Mikey are secretly dating from 1 week ago.

Blair said that Rye and Harv are in one bedroom, Jack and Brook are in another bedroom and Mikey and I are gonna spend another room together.

*few hours*

I sat on my bed. And I saw Mikey walked into the room and sat down on the couch. I wanted to ask him but I'm pretty sure It'll be awkward.


"Yes?" He answered but looking on his phone. "Are you and rye dating?" I asked awkwardly.

"No, we are just bros," he replied. Really tho. You were kissing with rye and you said you are only friends. Wait. I did that with rye too. lol. Stupid me.

"Hmm, alright."

"Why are you asking that?" He asked. "Um, because you looked so close together and jack told me that you guys are dating," I answered.

"Hahaha, you act like a 5 years old boy who trusted Jack's joke."

"Man, shut up."

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, "Can I come in?"

It is Harv. "Yeah sure," I answered. He entered the room. "Hey, wanna hang in my room?" He asked. Mikey nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there soon," I answered.

Harv went out the room. I took a long exhale. Mikey stared at me. "Whats wrong?" He asked. "I wanted to sneeze but it goes away," I answered. He giggled. I went down to my bed. "You wanna go now?" He asked. I nodded. "Alright."

I walked to Harv's room.


"Hey come in," Rye said. I walked into the room and sat on Harv's bed.

"How was your room?" Rye asked. "Messy, I was too lazy to tidy it."

They giggled. Suddenly Mikey walked into the room and sat next to Rye.

"Where's Jack and Brook?" Mikey asked. "They'll come soon," Rye answered.

"Awkward silence..." I said. They nodded. Suddenly Jack come in "GUYS WANT TO PLAY FORNITE?" Jack shouted.

"YES YES YES," I answered excitedly. "Such a nerd," Rye said. I giggled. "Bye guys."

Jack and I ran to his room. I saw Brooklyn sitting on the floor. "Yo I'll lead us to 1st place," Brooklyn said. "Last time you eliminated your self," Jack said. "Hahahhaahahaha, he is right," Brook laughed. I giggled. "Wait I guess my phone is ringing," I said.

I ran into my room and yeah, I was right someone calling me. I grabbed my phone and it was Blair.

He said that he wanted to meet us tomorrow on Westfield.

Okay cool. I texted Jack.

Me: Jack, can you please the boys that we are going to meet Blair on Westfield tomorrow. And I'm too lazy to get off from my bed.

Jack: Alright, alright.

I lay on my bed. I grabbed my laptop. I looked for some new music. "Hey."

"SHIT. Okay rye you scared me," I answered. He giggled. "What makes you here?" I asked.

He sat on the couch. "Mike and Harv are going to somewhere. Jack and Brook are still playing fornite."

I nodded. "I got bored and I'm pretty sure you are bored either," he continued.

"Yes, I am." I sat on my bed.

"I visited a psychologist few days," he asked. "I got schizophrenia," he continued.

"How to get rid of it?" I asked. "I just listened to music, it helps a lot, but not fully," he answered. I went down to my bed. I sat next to rye. I hugged him tightly.

He hugged me back. "What is this for?" He asked. "Makes your day, I guess," I answered.

"I'll help you to get rid of that stupid schizophrenia."

I'll be there through every single emotion. (i love this song)

He smiled. "Thanks, ann."

"Um this sounds weird can I hold your hand?" He asked.

I stared at him. "Well If you don't want t-"

I held his hand. "Yeah, of course, you can."

He smiled at me. He rubbed my cheek.

Sorry, I can't kiss you. "Wait let me check my phone for a sec," I said. I grabbed my phone and saw my message. Rye took a long exhale. Maybe he was disappointed. I'm sorry Rye.

"I'm pretty tired. Bye an," he said. "See ya around," I answered.

He walked out the room.

I still remember, when I fell in love with a person, it will be ended up tragically.

Last time when I was in high school, I dated this girl. She isn't pretty, but I fell in love with her personality, she cares about me more than she cares about her self.

But she got bullied because of me, yeah, because she fell in love with me. Every time I tried to defend her, she will get more hated. Then we broke up. She said that she will be okay.

And one thing I never forget about her is when we are broke up she told me that I can love who I want and I will find my true love soon.

Okay enough for my dark past.

I walked out from my room and decided to go to rye's room. I slowly opened the door and yeah he was sleeping. I saw he slept holding a book. I went to rye and put his blanket. And took the book. "Secret of rye."

His diary?

I left him a kiss on the forehead. And I grabbed the book. He marked a part of the book with a pen. Maybe he wrote it before he slept.

Okay, today is kind of weird. When we hang out. Andy sat next to Harv. I remember when him and Harv are fighting because he didn't want me to sit next to Harv. "Rye, you should be the one who sat next to me!"

I blushed. Ah, crap. This guy.

He rarely makes eye contact with me. And when I tried to kiss him, ah, maybe the voices were right. No one will love me. But Andy wanted to hold my hand. Lowkey did him know I love him. maybe he saw me when Mike and I were kissing, it was just a kiss. I was so down. How in the world to make Andy know.

Sorry, Rye.

I love you too a lot.

I closed the book and placed the book next to him. I kissed him on the forehead again and went back to my room.

I made a mistake again.


Sorry for the late update and my grammar (im still working on it)

And yeah. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote.

I hope you have a good day.



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