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Ok so, this is a sequel to another book that I wrote, it's "tough guy" y'all should check that out before you read this, thanks

5 weeks after the "death "of IT

Mike's POV

I rode my bike over to Richie's house. I was helping him clean out y/n's room. It's been weeks since her disappearance. After we left neibolt, we couldn't find her. We think that she was killed but I think otherwise, I think that she's still inside the house.

I arrived at the Tozier's house. I knocked in the door and Richie let me in. Richie hasn't talked much since y/n's disappearance. The only person that he's talked to often is me and Eddie.

We walked up stairs and stopped at a door. Y/n's room. Richie looked at the door then at me. I could see the sadness in his expression.

"No one's been in her room since she..." he stopped his sentence short. We both looked at each other and nodded. I grabbed the door knob and opened the door.

Y/n's room was a light gray color. Her bed was in the center of the room. Her walls were lined with strings of lights with pictures clipped to them. I took a closer look at a few of the pictures. Most of them were of her and Richie when they were younger. I saw a couple of the losers club and a few of us.

I grabbed one of the pictures of us. We were at the park,we saw a few birds and i looked over at them. I guess she took a picture while I was looking at them. I smiled. I put the picture back and moved to the next one.

It was of me again, we were on the roof of the barn. The sun was setting and i was looking out at the sunset. I felt my heart shatter thinking about her. I moved over to look at another picture. This time it was of her, I remember taking it.

We went into the forest one day and saw a pond. She sat against a tree and looked up at the sky, smiling. I saw a tear drop onto the picture. I missed her so much. I put the picture back and saw Richie grab a box. He handed it to me.

I opened it to see a bunch of pebbles. They were the pebbles that I threw at her window, every single one...

"We have to find her..." I said after a long silence.

"We've tried everything! We can't go back into neibolt, we've looked all over Derry and even told the police. She's no where to be found." Richie said looking down at his feet.

"We can't give up... I miss her."

"You miss her? You miss her?! I can't fucking live without her! She was all that I had!" Richie couldn't hold his tears in anymore. He started to cry. "She was all that I had... Our parents don't give a shit! She's been gone for weeks and they have done nothing to find her. I'm fucking done with this town, it took my sister and almost my life. I just want to find y/n and get out of this Shitty town!" Richie sat at y/n's desk and put his head in his hands.

Your POV

5 weeks earlier

I felt cold.

My head ached

So many thoughts were rushing through my head. All I saw was black, my eyes were closed but I was scared to open them.

"They think I'm dead, but I'm far from it, they think you're safe but you're far from home." This voice was different it was deeper and sounded a bit more calm.

"Once true colors are shown, you'll know who's side you're really on..."

My eyes opened. I was in the forest. I raised my head and looked up at the tall trees. The leaves were changing colors, some falling to the ground. I felt the tip of my nose sting, from the cold. I looked at my arms, they were covered in goosebumps, scraps , dirt and a bit of blood.

I stumbled and sat up. I didn't recognize where I was. My sight was crystal clear, even after the hell I just went through. I heard rustling in the branches above me. I saw a little bird fly down onto the ground in front of me.

The bird looked at me, it hopped over to me. I cautiously held out my hand. The bird hopped onto my hand. I brought my hand up to my face, about a foot or two away from it. The bird looked into my eyes. I smiled.

Through the reflection in its eyes I saw a ring of blue. I tried to talk again, alas only silence. Why do I even try anymore.. I don't know what happened to me but I felt different. The bird chirped and flew away.

I smiled. I took a deep breath and leaned my head against the tree that I was by. The air was crisp. From the look of the sky, it was early morning. I thought about mike and the losers club, I never got to say goodbye.

I felt an icy tear slowly roll down my face. There was a rustle coming from the bushes. I didn't move my head. I felt frozen, both physically and mentally. More rustling. This time I moved. I turned my head towards the bush. There was a pause.

Suddenly a squirrel emerged from the leaves and branches. It started to run towards a tree but froze and looked at me. It's eyes were solid black. It stared at me making me feel uncomfortable. I felt a small burning sensation in my head and eyes.

The squirrel began to squeak and squeal in pain. It looked like it was squealing for air. I kept staring at it, with anger. The squeaks became louder, I felt my head begin to ache and my vision shake. The squirrel continued to suffer until... its body fell to the forest floor, twitching. It twitched for a few seconds then became motionless.

My head stopped aching as I closed my eyes. That burning feeling that began to escalate, faded. I opened my eyes and looked at my shaking hands. I looked back at the squirrel's corpse and then to my hands once more. I hesitated to touch my face.

Did I just-?

I saw a puddle of water and crawled towards it. I looked at my reflection to see myself but not me... I had orange and yellow eyes that were piercing to ones sight. These eyes reminded me of someone, something....


I scooted away from the puddle and fell into the soil and leaves. My eyes began to water.

I can't be like it... I can't be

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