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Richie watchd as his sister ran off. He was still confused and shocked.

"This has to be a dream.." he said to himself. He stepped back further. Grabbing his bike he rode home trying to wake up from this nightmare.

Eddie sat in the grass. He wondered if he should go after Y/n. He knew that she needed to calm down, he was used to her quick emotional changes. He memorized her eyes and how the colors changed.

Electric Blue meant sentimentally and happiness

Y/e/c meant neutral

Amber meant anger, frustration, and fear

Y/n ran through the dark, bare foot through the neighborhoods and streets. The cold tears stung her cheeks as the  crisp air hit her face. She ran to the woods, back to the woods. She collapsed under the trees into the dirt.

Richie rode to the entrance to the forest, he turned onto a dirt path where Mike was waiting with a few flashlights, along with Bill, Stan, and Ben. Richie got off his bike and grabbed his flashlight.

"Where's Eddie?" Stan asked. Richie pointed behind him.

"He's given up on this, that coward.." Richie responded. Mike patted his shoulder.

"We're going to find her." Mike said. Bill, Stan, and Ben nodded. "Let's go." Mike said turning on his flashlight and heading into the forest.





The boys called out for y/n, using their flash lights to look through the darkness.

Y/n's back against an oak tree, her hearing sharp and her heart rate high. She saw the light from the flashlights and froze behind the tree. She heard the calling of her name and so desperately wanted to answer them. She once believed that she was long since forgotten, her memory lost in the folds of time. A few tears escaped her eyes and her hands shook. She silently wept as she slide down to the ground, her back still against the tree.




More tears came, she was growing weaker. With every call of her name she wanted to answer, to say just one word, "yes?" "Hi?" Or a simple "hello", that was all she wanted. Of course, she couldn't have it. To answer would bring danger to the group she loved, they had been through enough.

"It's tough, isn't it?"

Y/n raised her head, looking at the figure before her.

"It was tough for me too, leaving the people I loved behind. I thought I was doing what was best for them.."

Y/n listened. She heard the pain in the figures voice, the agony, the mourning.

"W-were you d-d-doing the right thing-g?" She asked.

The figure sighed.

"I don't know, I don't think I'll ever know." The figure stepped closer to y/n, it sat down in front of her. The moonlight shone upon the figure, it was a man covered in scars. His clothes were ripped and stained. The man had striking electric blue eyes. His jaw line was sharp and his hair was shaggy. The man smiled kindly.

"Why me?" Y/n asked. "Why us?"

The man sighed.

"I don't know Sparrow, I don't know." The man said. He grabbed y/n's hand and gently held it. "Don't make the same mistakes I did.." The man stood up, letting go of y/n's hands. He took a few steps back, back into the darkness.

2 amber eyes looked back at y/n in place of where the man's blue eyes once were.

Y/n then heard the voices, the many voices, all telling her different things, horrible things. She screamed in pain, telling them to stop.

"GET OUT! GET OUT!" She yelled, her voice ringing through the wood. Y/n stood up and ran, she looked behind her to see darkness chasing after her. She ran, the voices still ringing through her head. Tears racing down her face and flying across her cheeks as she ran.


She crashed into someone.


Y/n pushed him away. Mike fell to the ground, not knowing what or who pushed him. Y/n looked in horror at Mike. "I-I-I, M-Mike." Y/n whimpered. Mike looked at y/n in disbelief. He stood up and walked closer to her. Y/n stepped away from him.

"You're a monster." A voice said.

"GET OUT!" Y/n screamed. Her eyes burned, turning a bright glowing amber. The boys and mike looked at y/n in terror, fear. Y/n noticed this, seeing the fear in their eyes. She looked at her hands, they shook uncontrollably. Mike tried to walk closer to her. "NO! Get- away from me. I'm a m-monster." Y/n said.

The darkness came. It surrounded y/n. The last view of Y/n's face was one of fear, agony and pain. She screamed bloody murder as her face was covered with darkness. Mike didn't want to leave where he was, he was still in shock. Stan grabbed his wrist and started running, the boys ran, they ran to the edge of the forest where their bikes were, along with Eddie.

"Holy shit! What was that?" Richie asked still catching his breath.

"Some sort of monster.." Ben said.

"That wasn't a monster, it was.." Mike cut Stan off.

"Y/n, it was Y/n.."

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