A Meaning

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  • Dedicated to Writing fillers

Riding a bike was a lot easier than what it had seemed at first. Best of all, Proto Man didn't short out when doing the activity either. It was odd, the things he could and could not do, one day he'd look into it further, but for now, he was enjoying the time he was having with his new friends. After riding their bikes (with Nico on skates) into town, the trio decided to take a break.

This was when, after all said and done, curiosity struck Nico about her and Roch's new acquaintance.

 “So, where did you come from?” she asked Proto. “I mean, I knew you ran away and all, but where did you come from?”

 Proto Man looked at her, then looked down. Not quite sure how to answer the question. His lack of answer made Roch look at him a funny way. This look made Proto Man nervous. He had to say something fast, otherwise Roch might end this friendship before it actually took hold. Nico understood this tension, so she said,

 “What's your full name? Landiao can't be all of it, can it?”

 This question, however, proved just as difficult to answer as the first. Again, Nico sensed this, so she continued.

 “My full name is Nicolette Vega Roru, but I've never really liked being called Nicolette, so I just tell people my name is Nico. It's more fun than just saying Nicolette all the time.”

 This comment earned her looks from Roch and Proto Man alike. Her face grew a dark shade of pink.

 “My name in whole means 'victorious people,' 'falling star,' 'roll.' In an artistic way, I can say my name means “Victorious people in falling stars that roll.' Yeah... so, Roch's name means 'rock' obviously. What does your name mean Landiao?”

 Proto Man smiled at Nico's awkwardness a little. Well, if she was willing to make a joke out of herself, he might as well too. Right?

 “My name means 'blues.'” Proto told her.

 “Why?” she asked curiously.

 “You mean, like the music genre?” Roch asked.

 “Yeah.” Proto Man agreed, keeping the idea stored away for later.

 “Do you like music?” Nico asked, jumping in at the opportunity to talk.

 “Sort of.” Proto Man admitted. “I made up my own song.”

 “Really?” Nico and Roch asked him at the same time, each with their own level of enthusiasm. It made Proto happy that they wanted to know about his song so much.

 “Can we hear it?” Nico asked, sounding curious but very excited. The android smiled and nodded his head, then he began to whistle the tune he had made up just the day before. The two kids listened carefully to Proto Man's song. It was sad, but it was rather victorious in a certain way. It was like hearing a wild bird that had been caged, and it was choosing to sing for its new master; the song in itself was sad, but secretly, it was grateful because the singer was being cared for quite well. This was how Proto Man was feeling right now. Sure, he was kind of sad that he had not only left home, but was also lying about who he was to two kids he considered to be friends, but that was just it; they were his friends.

 When Proto Man finished, he looked at them, to see what their reactions would be. Fear made him panic, as they simply looked at nothing with blank stares, but seemed to be in deep thought.

 “You came up with that?” Roch finally asked. Proto smiled in relief that someone had said something.

 “Yep.” he agreed.

 “Not bad.” Roch said, smiling at Proto Man for the first time. The android smiled back.

“Thank you.” he said, not realizing how grateful he was for Roch's approval. Nico smiled a bit too as she looked at the time on her watch.

“Oh my gosh!” she suddenly exclaimed, “You're gonna be late!”

Quickly, she got up and put the roller skates back on her feet.

“Come on you two!” she said, starting to skate away.

“Wait a minute Nico, you don't want to get hurt!” Roch said, getting up to get on his bike. Proto got up as well and got on Nico's bike. He didn't know where they were going, but it had to be interesting if it had gotten Nico so excited. Where were they going any way?

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