Chapter 3: Beaumont Lineage

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"Your feet are swift, petite Beaumont, but move on impulse and they will fail you." Renee fell onto her back with a thud, the soft grass breaking a majority of her fall. "One must always keep their mind ahead of their actions, only then will you succeed against your opponent."
"Why must you always insist on throwing me into the grass, brother?", she jumped up back onto her feet," You mustn't treat me as a fragile girl, in fact, I forbid you to do so. Should I be pursued by an attacker one day I highly doubt there will be plush ground to land on." Her brother, Victoire, smiled," You feel you are ready to fight for real? Right then, throw down the stick," the siblings tossed aside their wooden swords," let me show you how a man would fight."
The shing of a metal blade being removed from its sheath filled the morning air, birds took to flight at the piercing white sight of it, it was beautiful. Renee had always admired her brothers blade. Before she began sword lessons with him she remembered watching him with his tutor and how terribly well balanced it glided in his nimble fingers. "Mother will be up soon", Victoire warned. "Then let us hope this goes quickly, for your sake," she said back.
Chuckling, he offered her the handle of his blade, her mouth fell immediately. "Perhaps this would be a decent beginners blade for you", she took it slowly, admiring the metalwork while he picked up a thick long sword. "Now remember, the blade in your hands has a copper interior, so while it feels lightweight now, the muscles in your palms will tire over time and will inevitably force you to switch hands. In which case, I hope you heeded my encouragement for ambidexterity."
Assuming fighting position, Renee excitedly awaited her brothers move. "We should set the scenario", he proposed. "Take my weapon, for example, the British longsword; a sturdy handle no doubt, but, it requires two hands. My thrusts will naturally be slower, diluted - sheerly by the size - but should you fail even once to dodge a single blow, a blade such as this would slice a limb off like a butcher blade to a pigs belly. Now, imagine I am an English retired red-back veteran who has nothing but malice towards those South of his homeland. You, are a French soldier escorting your superiors to distant relatives who live right along la mer du nord so naturally, there is bad blood between us. In any case - ,"
"Enough chatter!", Renee exclaimed. The two jumped forward, raising each other's blades, prepared to strike. "RENEE! VICTOIRE!"
Frozen in their positions, they both looked painfully towards the direction of the voice, their mother stood at the top of the hill in utter disbelief. "What is the meaning of this? Victoire, have you no comprehension that this is your little sister?"
Victoire stood silent," As for you, Renee, you get back into this house or so help me young lady you will never be permitted to speak to that friend Etienne ever again!", satisfied with herself, their mother marched her way back into the house. The siblings sulked in defeat, and gathered up their items before following their mother into the house.
Alive with movement, the home of the Beaumont family always reminded Renee of her father, how she missed him so. With the war raging on in France, her father had been the first to be recruited for battle for his background in war tactics and his title of third commander. For her father, it was a privilege to rejoin his men on the battlefield, he had always been the man to miss war, he savored the rush, the noise, the blood. In truth, it was through his passion of war where his two children got their inspiration to be warriors for themselves. But once he heard it would be Philippe, the Duc de Orlean, who would lead the charge, he had left his family within a fortnight. Their father admired Philippe ever since he was young," I used to train him and his majesty when they were just boys", Renee was remembering the conversation she had with her father in his study the day he had finally chosen to leave," and it was in Philippe I nearly saw my own reflection. He was angry, reckless, same as I when I was his age. As he got older I only viewed him more and more like another son. I remember I too hated my brother when I was young, you see, I can't imagine how infuriating it must be to be younger brother to the Sun King, could you?"
"No father", she had replied, intently listening to the story," Still, why must you go?", she asked.
"Ah, my petite Beaumont, you know why. You are my daughter, and our family lineage is one of warriors. Our country has fallen into war, and as a Beaumont it is our duty to go when called upon into the land where thousands perish."
Renee trembled at the thought of war, thousands of dead men lying for miles across a field," Do not be frightened, child. Now is the time for courage. Your brother will begin training for battle as well, and as he learns, you will too," her father stood up and brought a long case down from atop a shelf of books," Father?", Renee asked, curious.
"Being a woman is no easier than being a man in this world, you will learn this as time goes on. And should I die on the battlefield, I would not rest peacefully if I didn't know both of my children were to be ensured of their safety without my presence," her father clicked open the long case and exposed the most beautiful blade she had ever seen. Adjourned with engravings along the blinding silver blade Renee gawked at the metal work and jewels scattered along the handle. "Now don't be too fond", her father began," this will be Victoire's blade. Yours, will be given to you when you earn it."
"Father, I'm afraid I don't understand."
"Why, you will learn to fight, my dear, there is nothing more to it. You will wield a sword just like your brother. He will teach you all that he learns, and you will listen."
"But what about mother?"
"Your mother would never agree to such matters, which is why you both must practice in secret, never to be seen."
Closing the case, her father put the blade back upon the shelf, then came round his desk and put his hands on her shoulders. "My children have been my greatest creation, and I have the utmost faith in the both of you that you will make me proud."

[Written March 31, of 2018]
{Reviewed & Revised}

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