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~Irma's pov...~
"It was a normal friday night in september. I was laying down on the couch snuggled up in a warm fuzzy blanket with my fuzzy socks on and my book I looked like a nerd I had my hair in a messy bun and a huge t shirt on with some shorts and my glasses because I'm literally blind. In the background of my shared new York apartment i was listening to some R & B music and humming along with it.

I know what your thinking what is a eight teen year old doing in her apartment in new York on a Friday night reading?! She should be partying not reading something. She should be living her life making friends and out with her boyfriend. And your right I'm young and I should be enjoying it but in all honestly I'm the exact opposite of a normal eighteen year old , I've never been able to make friends better yet have a boyfriend I've always kept to myself and never really acknowledged anyone else in all honestly.

Its not that I'm ugly or anything because I'm fairly attractive or so I've been told, its just that I am a very shy person. But my best friend on the other hand she is the exact opposite of me rita was a very outgoing person she loves to party and has had a few boyfriends not many but a few. She is absolutely stunning with gorgeous long black hair and beautifully sun kissed skin she's a average height and as the guys would say " she's thick".

I met rita when we were in 8th grade. I moved to her school and she was one of the first people to come and talk to me. Immediately we became friends and ever since then she's always been with me. That's why we currently live together here in new York but she isn't home she went out as she does every Friday night with her boyfriend Louis.

See now I don't have a problem with rita dating anyone I'm always happy for her but Louis isn't the one for her. Louis is a bad boy always out partying never seen without a different girl on his arm and rita is a really loyal girl. I've told her he isn't right for her and she is too good for him but she claims she is changing him and he will be different. See the thing is Louis isn't gonna change they have been together now for 3 months.

Its been 3 times he's come over with unexplained hickeys or makeup on his shirt once rita even found someone else's under wear in his pocket. Louis has manipulated rita into thinking its a mistake or its from rita but I caught on to him a long time ago he has been cheating on her for a while but she just can't see it.

I know this because I've caught him cheating on rita. I was walking down the street and I decided to stop at a small bakery when I walked in I seen Louis and a girl sitting in a booth. He was all over her he was holding her hand and playing with her hair and he even gave her a necklace. I took pictures and showed rita but she didn't believe me she said it was his sister. I've met all Louis's sisters and I know that was not one of them.

But enough about Louis and rita I can't go on because ill get mad and break something like last time. Anyways I was reading a book called me before you, the books about a girl who is hired to take care of a handicapped man and ends up filling in love with him not knowing his plans to kill himself in the end after they get married and hare happy with each other. Its quite sad I've read many books but this one is my favorite I've cried and cried for this book because its so surreal.

The thought of having the love of your life kill himself after you marry him it kills me. I mean I have never dated anyone in my life but I do dream about it sometimes finding the love of my life on the crowded street of new York on a beautiful spring day and he bumps into me accidentally and we look at each other with love in our eyes-.. Wait what am I saying I'm just dreaming its never gonna happen."

Mid thought into my diary entry my phone began to play music signaling that i had gotten a notification. I leaned over and grabbed it off the coffee table and looked to see what it was. The little screen said I had gotten a message immediately I thought oh no its rita I need to get her but to my surprise as I unlocked it I had gotten a text from a unknown number the message read " hey beautiful?".

I sat there staring blankly searching my brain for who this could be. Then it hit me and I realized rita probably was drunk and thought to play matchmaker for me oh no. I replied to the message by saying" um do I know you?". Not even a second later another text came in from the number saying " yea we literally just met at the club 5 minutes ago". I thought wait why would rita give this poor guy my number instead of hers?

I replied with" sorry I'm not the girl you met what bar was it because unless the bar is at my house then whoever gave you this number was playing you ma dude" the stranger replied with " your irma right?" I thought for a minute wait how dose this guy know me?! Oh god he's a stalker! I jumped up and immediately called brian to come and check the house. Brian is my guy best friend who lives down the hall from us with his 3 roommates who are also friends of mine like older brothers.

Minutes after I called Brian I heard a knock at the door followed by 4 voices which I recognized as Brian , Carlos, Dale and Erick. I ran to the door and opened it to be embraced by Brian as he walked in and then carlos dale and Erick as well. " irma what's wrong? are you okay? did someone get hurt ?why are you here alone?" asked Carlos who was always the one the guys and rita said had a crush on me but wasn't true because he had a girlfriend.

" I'm okay Carlos and no no ones hurt and rita went out but I called Brian to come check the apartment but I guess he brought the whole swat team with him " I said laughing. Why did you want us to check the apartment what happened?" dale asked.  "Well its because I got a message from a unknown number saying I met him at a bar 5 minutes ago when I've been here the whole time and this guy knew my name. So I got scared and I think he is stalking me so I want you to make sure he isn't here" I said. " okay well we will go look in the rooms and make sure no one is here " erick said.

" okay thanks guys" I said. " "I'll stay here with irma just in case the guy walked in and tries to take her I'll protect her" Carlos said. " mhmm sure lover boy you just want to hold her when she gets scared because we all know  you like her" Brian said laughing and walking away.  "No I don't ....well I do but as a friend.." Carlos protested." calm down you know they do it to make you mad " I said rubbing his arm.

After about 20 minutes the boys came back and said nothing was here and no one was in the apartment maybe it was just a joke. " since your so scared just come sleep over with us" carlos said. " oh no I'm not doing that your place is dirty and gross and that's a huge no!" I said." well that leaves us with one choice we have to come sleep here " brian said.

" fine ill let you guys stay with me but someone stay while the rest of you go just in case" I said. Everyone immediately looked at carlos and dale said" well we'll be back lover boy don't do anything to her". Once they came back carlos went to get his things and we all decided to move to my room so we could all sleep.

Since it was already two in the morning the guys stayed up playing fortnite on there phones and I was passed out on my bed with them surrounding me. At about 5 in the mining I hear aloud crash in the kitchen and immediately I got dale up because he was closed to me. " dale wake up I heard something in the kitchen go see what it is" I said. " fine come on ill go with you" he said grabbing my hand and waking out with me behind him. While walking down the hall way we seen the kitchen light on and a shadow moving.

Then I heard it the voice of.......

What's up you guys its irma here and I decided lets switch it up a bit and give y'all a new book?! Hope you like it what do you think so far lemme know in the comments love y'all byeee!!

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