Welcome to Scientology

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_____= YOUR NAME

He walks in as _______is on her phone. "______ why not join Scientology?"he asks with a semi concerned look, "Tom im not gonna join Scientology just because youre tom cruise" she giggled and she keep watching her phone. "Oh ____ you cant just trust me for once?" He smirked as he chuckled, "Tom im gonna stop you there, youre tom cruise yes but youre crazy hun "____ got up and shook her head, Tom chuckles and he follows _____, she walks into the kitchen to get a snack. But tom thought she was a snack, with her pancake lookin legs and curved body. She grabs a poptart and starts to eat it, Tom just stares at her messy eating, he looks at her with lustful eyes. she got some fulling on her lips, she goes to wip it but tom stops her. He goes and licks her lips, he hears a soft whimper from her, He smirks as he continues to lick her lips until he was actually kissing her. He shoves her on the counter as he holds down her tiny hands, She moans in pain and pleaser. "N-nyah tom s-stop" she says as she squirm, "Its okay Scientology will take good care of you"as he starts to pull her pants down"Tom! I-im a-" tom covers her mouth, "Scientology will take good care of you" he goes down to her legs He opens a cabinet under her and pulls something out, its a Scientology dildo "Dont worry i use this and it works great" he chuckled as he starts to shove it in her ass He starts to grunt just watching her cry in pain "Mmmmmmm Scientology" tom moaned The pain intensitys as tom puts in his magnum dong in her She crys as tom chuckles "TOM! NYAHHH" Tom begins to thrust into her. Moaning "Scientology Scientology Scientologyyyy!!!" Just then tom stops and turns on the dildo It starts to vibrate like crazy He roars a mightly roar " SCIENTOLOGY!!" She starts to give in to the love of Scientology He thrusts faster as he starts to get on his edge He bends down as he is about to cum He whispers "S" he starts to grab her beasts "C" she starts to moan like crazy "I" she starts to claw his back "E" he starts to thrust faster "N" he turns the dildo higher "T" high enough to were he could feel it "O" he puts his hand on her clit and rubs it roughly "L" he shoves his fingers in her mouth "O" he picks her up and puts her up against the wall "G" he thrusts harder and faster "Y" he shoves himself deeper and he unloads his load "SCIENTOLOGYYYYYYYY!!!!" she is out of breath, she pants as she hold on to tom trying to catch her breath Tom kisses her and says "welcome to the wonderful life of Scientology~"

The end
Then tom kills you and eats your soul

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