Theres no sus without us. Tom cruise x F!reader)

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Sorry i havent posted in like 1000+ years. But i just had this idea and i need to post it for my nasty peeps reading this book. Okay plz enjoy <3
The day was cool and calm. Clouds cover the sky in a beautiful light gray. Not heavy enough to rain. Walking through the streets of the city is a girl with a beating heart looking for adventure and perhaps love if the chance comes along. She is the kind of girl with confidence but she still kind of sheepish. She was just hired as an actors assistant to a new movie coming out. She really isn't into action movies or anything like that but she's happy for the gig. Getting checked in with production management she is assigned to a big league actor but she didn't remember his name because she did kinda spaced out during the meeting. She gets a coffee and a few sandwich triangles and starts walking to trailer #3 production has started already so she is grateful she doesn't have to meet the actor yet because she's actually terrified to meet them.
Walking up to the door of the trailer she slowly opens the door. The interior is very minimalist and cool calming colors inside. She puts the coffee and snacks on a little countertop and she looks around. She slowly sits on the couch in the trailer. She thinks about how she got lucky enough to be a small part of a big project. Suddenly the door opens. "T-tom Cruise?!!" Tom takes a step back in surprise. "Hey uh fans aren't allowed on set in gonna have to call security." She snaps out of shock, "No no don't I'm not a fan I mean I am but not that kind of fan and-" "listen I'm flattered but I need you to leave" Tom brings his phone out to call security. She quickly gets up and snatched the phone from him. Surprised he goes to grab it back. They tussle around until tom grabs her from behind tightly gripping her chest so he can stretch his arm to get the phone. She pushed her back into him to still get some distance from his hands. "Mr. Cruise I'm your personal assistant while here on set I brought food and coffee I was about to leave I promise!!" He stops and slowly stands up still very close to her. "Right I was just startled seeing someone in my trailer my "sacred place" ha ha" she blushes as she turned around noticing the height difference. Slightly embarrassed at her outburst she regains her composure. "Well I apologize for the intrusion I'll leave you my contacts please feel free to contact me if you need anything excuse me" she confidently walks out of the trailer. Tom rushed out the door "wait what's your name?" "Y/n" she walks back into the staff room. Oh my gosh how could I be so stupid. That was Tom Cruise?!? I thought I'd be helping on of the smaller characters oh my gosh this is so embarrassing he's going to talk to the hiring staff and get me fired!! And I just grabbed his phone. I'm so done for. She's in the staff room for around an hour beating herself up. Her mind wonders to Tom remembering how big of a fan she is and seeing him and being able to work with him. But her girlish fantasy slowly creeping on her. The thoughts of him being pressed up against her feeling his body so close to her. Pushing his hips on her. All that movement got her hot and bothered. Imagining him dominating her shoving her on to the couch as he craves being in her being near her. She wonders how it would feel and- buzzz buzzz she snaps out her trance and looks at her phone. The production manager

PM 'hello y/n please head over to the gate and let in the afternoon catering in as we film let other staff help with set up for the actors and crew.'

Y/n 'will do'

She collects herself and gets ready to leave when another text comes from the phone.

Unknown 'hey it's Tom'

Y/n stares at the screen and decides to go get the catering before answering. Meeting the catering crew was wonderful and all the staff was respectful and professional. Y/n completely forgot about Tom.

Buzzz buzzzz

A phone call.

"Hello? Who is this?"

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