This is just the beginning

10 1 0

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick

The clock went.

Circling around.

Moving slightly every second.

The gears moving on the inside.

The one who made them working on more.

I stare at the clock having nothing better to do.

I would go to the shop today, but it's closed.

GearWorks is what it's called.

I go there every day that it's open.

It's like a second home.

I wish I could meet the creator of all those wonderful objects.

People here call whoever they are 'The Gear Maker'.

I like the name.

Hi, I'm Ethan Nestor.

I work as an assistant for Mark Fischbach. 

His girlfriend, Amy, works with him.

Her assistant is Kathryn.

Let's not go too deep into this.

I'm going to tell you the story of how I met the love of my life.

The gear maker.

Y/n Y/l/n.

This is just the beginning.

Try not to get attached.


A/n. I won't do A/n's a lot. I personally don't like them very much. And since I won't do many A/n's, the acronyms or the letters with the slashes in between them, I won't be telling you what they mean. Well, enjoy. 

Gears That Led To Love (Crankgameplays X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now