The first words spoken

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To GearWorks.

Like always.

Never not there.

Excuse my use of a double negative.

Of course, I do leave.

Just sounds more dramatic.

Of course, I'm only doing that for the story.

Y/n L/n working away.

Never to be seen by least not yet.

She had always had someone deliver her work to the store while it was open.

The day I met her was not a day that would happen.

This is where our story truly begins.


The delivery man, Charles, hadn't shown up yet and he was already thirty minutes late.

Then I get a call. It was Charles.

Normally he would tell me in advance when he couldn't come so I could deliver the items before the store opened.

Today I guess I'm going.

I don't like people knowing who I am so I keep myself hidden.

That's not the only reason though.

I'm magic.

The only one of my kind left.

Of course, I'm still human and there are other creatures with magic, but I'm different from them.

No, I'm not a witch or fairy.

I'm a gear maker.

The only one left of my kind. Or so I thought.

Since I keep myself hidden, only certain people get to know this information.

Like Charles.

My parents had to hide me from the 'evil ones' as they would call them.

I remember that day. The one they died on.

Us, well, not us gear makers are known, were known to have good memories.

I would rather not go into detail.

Now I had to get to the store, during the day, while it's open.

I'll try to get this done as quickly as possible.

I ran to the store, carry my bag with all my new works in them.

Regulars there might know me as 'The Gear Maker' because some of the employees theorize about me.

I'm not 'The Gear Maker'. I'm a gear maker.

I hope I don't run into one of them.

I quickly run into the store.

I close my eyes for one second, of course just blinking for a long time, and I run into someone.

I feel the impact of the person I run into and I hit the floor.

The sounds of metal sliding across the tile floor could be heard through the small area we were in.

I then hear a voice, still not daring to open my eyes.

"Are you okay?"

What I can only assume is a male's voice quickly says.

I open my eyes


The first words I said to her.

The first bit of dialogue we ever had.

Who knew it would lead to what happens next.

Signing off, Ethan Nestor.

You really doing that now Nestor.

Yes, Y/n.

Well, don't blame me for the cliffhanger. He wanted me to stop there.

Shhhh. They don't need to know that. It's all her fault.

Are you guys done arguing now?

Who are you?

Oh, you know who I am.

Gears That Led To Love (Crankgameplays X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now