four - wOW

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here you go~! :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: woah, so fast

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bunnynayeoniee: woah, so fast.

;-) :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: how did u make momo record a video greeting?

i have sources u knoe :peachyyymm

and happy birthday to your
best friend, btw :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: i'll tell her that.
she'll be so happy with this~!
thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

u're welcome. so, do u still hate momo? :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: uhm, yeah. this
doesn't count as an exception for
me to hate her.

ugh, wae?! :peachyyymm

bunnynayeoniee: why not? she's still
a pabo and doesn't deserve to be
in twice

wOW :peachyyymm

peachyyymm is offline

bunnynayeoniee: were you offended?

bunnynayeoniee: oh, great

bunnynayeoniee is offline

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