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☆spritfires pov☆

"YOU THINK YOU GOT WHAT IS IS TO BE A WONDERBOLT?!"i got in one of the ponies face after everyone shouted yes mam with half confidence after some yelling they started to do 500 laps and stuff, when it was sunset i told them to go back to their dorms but i also said Rainbow Dash needs to come to my office after unpacking. The girly girls all said she was in trouble including Lightning Dust, i knew all their names so yeah.

After about 1 minute rainbow dash almost rainboomed to my office, now that brings everyone to shame. I smirked "heya spitfire! Whatcha want me for!"she asked as i looked dowm on my clipboard and threw it behind me as she tried not to laugh, i gave her a signal she could so she did, i looked behind me and saw it was out the window but i just shrugged, "ok dash as you know your the fastest pony in equestria, right?" I asked as she nodded, "id like you to help with a show that me and the wonderbolts are doing," her face lit up as i spoke. To be honest all the wonderbolts wanted to do the part im gonna ask her to do but noponies fast enough. "None of the wonderbolts can do what im about to ask you, so i want you to take part in our show and do a sonic rainboom when me and the others enter," i smirked and smiled as she fainted, i laughed and picked her up. The dorms were on the other side of campus and she was to heavy so i put her on my bed and left a note there saying that she fainted and that practice is tomorrow, i then flew out of the Academy For a midnight flight.

While i was there a landed on a cloud and started to think stuff like

*will the show go well

*will the Academy get any newbie wonderbolts this year?

I kept on thinking until one also came in my head

*why is rainbow dash so hot?!?!!

I paused as though about that one, i hadent noticed that my face was a tomato, i shook it off and went to sugar-cube corner, i checked the time and it was 6 am, it opend at 5:30 so i walked in to see a bedhead pinkie "oh hiya there spitfire! Hows dash doing!" I said hi and all the things that she did well on and that was everything. I asked for some cupcakes, i paid and flew off. Before i went she asked me to give dash a cake so i was very careful. I then relised taht i haven't slept all day and night. (😢) now everyponies gonna ask why im less demanding. As i approached teh Academy i saw only rainbow dash awake, i was 6:20 after all, everyone needs to wake up at 7:30. I said hi and told her pinkie pie wanted her to have a cake and i gave it to her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was now after midday so wveryone could go and have some rest but rainbow and the wonderbolts.... not so much. It was time to practice so yeah. I saw lighting dust jealous when the team and RD came up to me, i shrugged it off, i left a old wonderbolt to keep an eye on the campus as we flew off to HQ. Oce we got their rainbows eyes lit up with stars as everpony laughed and kept on saying 'earth to rainbow dash' while waving their hoves in her eyes. She snapped out of it and we went in to get our uniforms while dash could wait,

After we got changed we went out the back of the place where a field was. I then spoke up "ok guys your all wondering why rainbow dash is here and i know it, shes here because shes gonna do a sonic rainboom when we come out to do our routine," everypony that didnt go to the compition was wide eyed and looked at RD, everypony then chanted for her to do it. I saw her fly up high and then speed down, a come was forming and slowly turned into a spike, she raced out of it with a big boom that was rainbow coloured, a rainbow trail maching her mane, i was also wide eyed since me and the others got knocked out when she did it. She then landed with a rainbow trail behind her, she said the rainbow will last for a bit so she jsut watched out rountine and falling asleep a bit,

After we had to go we opened our wins but i checked the time first, it was about 5pm. We all went to where we are supposed to sleep and did since it was 8 when we got back thanks to sorins pie addiction. I then went to sleep without thinking or anything.

Rainbow Flames (spitfire x rainbow dash)Where stories live. Discover now