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Subject is younger than eighteen.

He stares at the paper, not paying much attention to it. His mind is racing with confusion for a different reason.

The orders she has given him are strange; he doesn't know why she'd do this. But he will comply as he always does. Because he wants to stay alive.


"i'm a six," I tell them when the door closes behind me.

"What?" Ella demands. "But you said you were a three!"

"Apparently I tricked the Power Meter."

"I didn't know that was possible," John says. "And hey, you're a level higher than me!"

I laughed nervously. "Do they normally have us go for extra tests?" I ask.

They both shake their heads.

"They don't usually have people fool the Power Meter, either."

I turn around. It's Tom speaking. I'm surprised.

"Did the one who was executed... was he different?"

"No. He just got a higher level and didn't want to support the aliens. So they killed him. That's what they do. Kill."

The vehemence in his voice, the fierceness of his gaze, intimidates me. I wonder how important this dead Unaffected was to him.

Later, John is lying on his back, looking at the void in the ceiling. "I wonder what's up there," he says.

"Hmm," I reply. Ella's asleep, and Tom's back into unanswering mode.

Then I remember what I'm supposed to be doing tomorrow. The others are ready, aren't they?

I lean back against the hard wall and look at John. "What do you think is out there?" I ask him.

"Outside the cell, or outside this building?"

"The building."

"I wonder all the time," he admits. "But I really don't know. Do you think we'll ever see it?"

"I dunno." Yes, I think. If Baby Soldier was telling the truth... we're getting out and searching for the cure.

This has to go right, I think. We have to find the cure. Maybe, I'll even be able to help Clapton and the others in time. I hold on to that thought, the only hope I have in this churning sea of difficulties.

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