Chapter 4

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I was sitting in the front yard in the early morning as I waited for Quan to return. I looked up at the sun and smiled as it shined brightly on my face. I was so glad that summer was nearly here!

Good morning, a robin greeted me as she landed a few yards away.

Good morning, I said in return.

Nice day today, isn't it? She poked the ground, hoping to find a juicy worm to eat.

It is. Eventually she flew off after having no luck, and not long after Quan arrived. I had taken on my wolf form again, as I found that body much more familiar and comfortable.

"Hey," he said after taking in a whiff of the air. I assumed he was making sure that it was me and not some random wolf, as he had not yet seen me in this form.

Hi, I said with a smile.

"How are you?" he asked.

I'm well. How are you?

"I'm good."

And Paul?

"He doesn't realize that you attacked him."

Good. I nodded. We were silent for a moment, neither of us quite knowing what to say. So do you live close by?

"About a mile away," he said, and I nodded.

So why don't you project?

Quan laughed. "Because I'm in my human form."

Yeah, so?

"You know we can't project in this form."

We can't? I asked, surprised.

Quan cocked his head. "You should know that. So why don't you?"

I shrugged. Never tried.

He continued to look at me strangely. "Right. So, new question. You said that you used to live here." I nodded. "Why'd you come back? This house is decrepit. It'd take a dozen carpenters to-"

Yeah, well, all houses have to be built from the ground up, don't they? I said, defensive.

"Sorry," Quan said. "I didn't mean to upset you. No need to flash your eyes at me."


"I offended you, so your eyes flashed blue. Sorry." He looked at me, surprised. "You said you didn't know that we can't project in our human form, and you don't know that our eyes-"

What are you talking about? Of course I know that our eyes change! I insisted, though another part of me asked what it would hurt to have someone to teach me these things. What could it hurt? Anything could happen if I placed all my trust in a werewolf that I had just met!

"Um hmm," he said, not trying to hide his disbelief.

Look, is that what you came out here for? To accuse me of not knowing stuff?

"I came out here because I wanted to get to know you," he said. "But your guard is up so high that it's nearly impossible." I turned my head. Whatever. "Look, if I tell you something about me, will you tell me something about yourself in return?" I nodded. "Okay, let's see," he said, looking up at the sky as he thought. "Both of my parents are also werewolves- what about yours?"

My mother is a werewolf. I don't know if my father is or not.

"Oh. So your father is not in your life, I assume?"

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