he's gone - 01/25/18

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This is something I wrote about my grandpa a couple days after he passed away unexpectedly.

He's Gone

It felt weird, walking into the television room the other day. I went in there to get away from the confusing atmosphere and family members, but I had forgotten exactly what had went down in that very room 10 hours earlier.

I had this feeling in my chest that was absolutely haunting. I looked at the handprint on the couch from when he fell and I couldn't help but imagine how it all happened. I felt like I was there and paramedics were rushing through me as they pulled out supplies. I could see him lying there on the floor where my grandma had found him, his head against the heat register.

I had to leave the room.

Somehow that room wasn't the best place to be when I was wanting to escape the whole ordeal. What was I thinking?

Now, every time I walk into that room, I think of him. I think of the hours he must've spent in there, the pain he endured. But I don't think of it as a terrible thing. He's free of that pain now and I imagine him sitting with me sometimes at the far end of the couch. He's happy now because he's with the Lord.

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