Chapter Six: Spring Break

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"So," Betto drew out the word, eyes lingering meaningfully on Todd's face. "You and Levon have been really friendly lately."

"I really don't think friendly is a word you can use with Lev and I," Todd snorted at that. Though Todd could agree that they had been getting along quite a bit better since Levon visited him at school. Levon seemed to be caught in a cheerful mood that made him fun to be around, and he was much less annoying than usual.

"Friendly is exactly the word I'm using," Betto deadpanned.

"So, what?" Todd asked. "We've been getting along lately. It's not that weird. It doesn't mean anything."

"You're still standing by that stupid 'we're not friends' thing?" Betto repeated his words with heavy sarcasm and Todd threw him a glare to show he was unimpressed with the direction of their current conversation.

"What are you even talking about right now?" Todd turned his body fully to face his friend. They were standing in Levon's room where they were supposed to be grabbing the snacks Levon had hidden in his closet- a plan to stop the rest of his family from eating them. Something Todd found hilarious.

"I'm asking if something has happened between you and Levon," Betto said and Todd blinked at him questioningly.

"What do you mean by that?" Todd frowned. "You're making no sense."

"Something has been different between you and Lev," Betto stated and Todd rolled his eyes. "You two have been hanging out more, you barely fight anymore, you talked on the phone for over an hour the other week-"

"That was because I was helping him figure out what was wrong with his computer," Todd defended though he was unsure what he was defending himself from. "His dumbass downloaded some virus-"

"I know, you told me all about it already," Betto interrupted him and Todd sniffed indignantly. "This is the closest I've seen the two of you since you first spent Christmas with his family. I just want to know if anything has happened."

Todd's face heated involuntarily at the mention of Christmas and the kiss Levon had planted on him. All the almost kisses that came after that. The weird way his chest felt whenever he thought that Levon might kiss him.

"We're best friends," Betto continued. "I feel like I'm missing out on something, as dumb as that sounds."

"Everything you say sounds dumb, so don't worry about it," Todd waved him off so Betto shoved him. He chuckled, then peered at his friend earnestly. "But seriously, nothing is happening or has happened. We'll probably be back to how we were before in a few days when he starts annoying me again."

"Okay," Betto grinned at him. "Thanks."

Todd's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched Betto start picking up the bags of chips and candy from the closet. "What exactly did you think was happening between Lev and I?"

"Well, I can't say I thought anything for sure," Betto began, a sheepish smile growing on his face. "And I only really got the idea from something Ophelia said."

"Tell me."

"Well, you haven't really been interested in anyone for months, and Aisha told me that Levon hasn't been seeing anyone since Thanksgiving," Betto shrugged. "So, I started wondering if the two of you had maybe started secretly dating or something."

"You're literally the stupidest person I know," Todd said flatly, ears hot and clearly unhappy with his friend's notion.

"It really seemed like a possibility," Betto defended himself, laughter rising in his voice. "I mean, you two shared a twin bed for a whole weekend."

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