Chapter Fourteen: Summer Break

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"And then I had to tell her to fuck off," Todd was saying, one hand lifting off the wheel for a moment to gesture randomly while he talked. Levon listened, an amused smile touching his lips as he slouched in the passenger seat of his own car. Todd had decided that he would be driving because he was the one who had planned the date. Levon was fine with that. "Because this lady was determined to eat in the pool no matter what we said to her."

"You told her to fuck off?" Levon asked, brows raising. "Pretty sure you're not allowed to do that."

"I didn't say 'fuck'," Todd agreed with a sigh, grumbling, "Seth would fire my ass if he heard me cursing around the kids."

"You work at a wading pool, you're constantly surrounded by kids," Levon snickered.

"Yeah, so I just told her that she had to get it through her skull that she's not allowed eating in the pool, or she and her children would be kicked out," Todd huffed and Levon laughed. "I hate these parents that come in and think they're above the rules. And that they don't have to listen to me because they're twice my age, fucking old bats."

They were driving to the beach and Levon was in a fantastic mood. Two weeks he's been dating Todd. Todd was his boyfriend. Todd was his boyfriend and this was to be their third date, the first one that Todd planned; Levon was sure that he was vibrating with excitement.

Todd was very obviously nervous, talking almost non-stop as if afraid of the silences and Levon couldn't help his amusement with the other man. It was probably the most he had heard Todd talk in one sitting, and it was adorable.

"Wow," Todd mumbled when he turned the car, a little roughly, into the beach parking lot. "There's like no one here."

Levon hummed in agreement, there were only a handful of other vehicles in the lot. Levon decided not to point out how thick and dark the clouds were, the gloomy lighting probably notable enough on its own. At least it was still warm.

Todd got out and Levon followed. They got the beach bag out of the trunk and headed for the sand. It was easy to find a nice spot to set their things out on the empty beach. Todd pulled a red blanket out of the bag and laid it out, they used their sandals to weigh down the corners.

"Did you want to swim?" Todd asked, fiddling with the sun-cream tube, wondering if he should put in on and Levon cast a glance at the dark waters.

"Isn't that why you wanted to come to the beach?" Levon arched a brow. Todd was a massive water lover. During the summer the man spent so much time in the water that Levon was sure he would turn into a fish.

"We could just walk around. Maybe collect seashells and shit," Todd said awkwardly and threw the sun-cream back in the bag. He clearly thought it was too cloudy to bother with protection.

"Collect seashells and shit?" Levon repeated incredulously and Todd scowled at him. "That's your plan here?"

"If you don't want to do the cute shit then you can go wait in the car," Todd snapped. "This is supposed to be my date and it's going to be as perfect as your dumbass dates."

"You thought they were perfect?" Levon grinned and Todd flipped him off, stalking off toward the wet sand and Levon quickly followed. Todd glared at the sand, walking parallel to the water, and Levon was beyond entertained. Then Levon was laughing when Todd snatched a pink shell off the sand and handed it to Levon with a smug smile.

"Seashell one."

"You're such an idiot," Levon told him fondly, smiling widely.

"And yet, you're in love with me," Todd said, turning slightly to look at Levon, a heated blush crossing his cheeks and Levon's chest flooded with affection.

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