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Graysons pov

" Why do you let Jacob get to your head so much?! The Ethan I know would've never listen to something like that." I said to ethan who calmed down a little bit.

"You don't get it dude. I just don't want anything bad happen to you."

"Wow that's believable. You know I can take care of myself. Now tell me what's really going on?"

"That's what it is. I swear there's nothing else going on. I just don't want anything bad happen to you." He tried again.

"You care about her. Everyone can see it. So stop saying you don't care about her. You know if you won't go after her I will. Gladly." When I said that I saw him getting a little angry.

"Just leave her alone. She doesn't even care about you."

"I knew it. You care about because now you're getting jelouse." I said almost screaming.

"Just leave. I just want to be alone for a while." He said pointing at the door of the cell.

"Sure bro. Just think about how you really feel when you're around sky. Because now you're hurting her and me." I got up and walked out. I decided to go to sky and Lisa.

Lisa's pov

"He asked me to not tell anyone. But I really want to tell you this because I see how heartbroken you are." I placed sky down on the bed.

"It's okay. You can tell me. I won't tell it to anyone." She told me grabbing my hands.

" Ethan did have future girlfriends." I started. " they never were so long until this one girl came into his life. Named Bella. They were in a relationship for almost 2 years." I was so scared ethan would walk in and here me.

"The Ethan? Like the heartless guy in here?" She backed to the wall.

"he does have a heart sky you know that. You're only saying that because you're mad." I backed to the wall too.

"After 1 and a half years ethan started to act weird. He was getting really obsessive and possessive about her. She didn't like it anymore so she broke up with him." My head shifted to the cell opening when I saw someone standing there.

My heart missed a beat I think 

"Where are you talking about?" Grayson asked.

" Nothing important." I said quick

"I heard you two talking about Bella. You told her didn't you." He came closer to us sitting on the bed.

" She has to know Grayson. She can't be friends without know the truth." I whispered but sky could here it.

"She didn't tell me everything yet. It's okay if you don't want to tell further." She told us.

Me and Grayson looked at each other. He than nodded his head that I could tell it to her.

" after she broke up with him, he lost his mind. He stalked her every day and made her life miserable. One day ethan texted her, asked if they could meet up, she said yes but when she got there ethan was being all weird and.."

"And want Lisa? What did he Do?" She was sitting on the edge of the bed looking me in my eyes and holding my hand

"He killed her. That's the real reason he's in here." She slowly let go of my hand and got up from the bed. She put her hands on her hand, walking around the cell.

"It's not the first time he did crazy things with girls. Bella was the first girl he killed but he can get really aggressive. And not like punching his wall but aggressive like cutting the girl he was with In her legs, arms, back." Grayson got further with the story.

"He's dangerous sky. It's okay to be friends with him but always look back." I warned her

"Hey sky. Can we talk please."

All of our heads moved to the cell door when we heard Ethan's voice.


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