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Two days later.
Sky's pov

I woke up from the sound of the cell doors getting opened.

I sat up in my bed and looked around.

"Lisa! Wake up!" I jumped from my bed and waked up Lisa.

"What do you want!?" She said throwing her pillow in my face.

"The cells are opening!"

Her eyes shot open and she looked around.

A guard came walking to our cell and opened it.

When it was fully open I ran outside greeting some people on my way to Ethan's cell.

"Ethan omg!" I said when I saw him still sleeping.

I couldn't walk in his cell because it was still closed.

"Ethan damnit wake up!" I hit the bars making a louder sound to wake them up..

All of their eyes shot open looking at me.

"Good morning guys! The cells are opening." I put my hands on my hips.

"Than why isn't out open yet? All the others are open." Grayson got up from his bed and walked close to the bars.

"I don't know. Want me to ask it?" I shrugged.

He nodded. I walked over to the closed guard I saw.

"Excuse me. But why is that cell not open yet?" I said pointing at their cell.

"They misbehaved so their cell is locked a few more days." He said and walked away.

"No wait. What Why?" I said to him but he already got away.

I walked back to their cell. Now ethan Grayson and Kian were all standing at the bars.

"He said you guys misbehaved so your cell is locked a few more days." My voice cracked.

"What?! Are you kidding. Now I can't even talk to you with out having this asshole around." Ethan said pointing his head at Grayson.

"I'm sorry. I really wish we could." I looked at the ground.

I felt his hand get under my chin and bring my face up.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I pushed you away when you just tried to help me." He looked me in my eyes.

"It's okay just don't do it to me again. Okay?"

He nodded and we just stood there and started in to each others eyes.

"Come on you two lovers let's get our foo-" Lisa stopped her sentence when she saw that Ethan's cell was still locked.

"Why isn't your cell open?" She threw her hands around confused.

"A guard said we misbehaved so they won't open it." Grayson told her.

"Probably because they heard you fight about sky." She said without thinking.

The eye from Ethan and Grayson shot wide open looking at each other than me than Lisa and back to me.

"Wait you heard that?" Grayson asked a little nervous.

"I just heard ethan say something don't really remember what it was, than it stayed quiet." I told them the truth.

"It was nothing. Don't worry about it. Just some brother talk." Ethan said letting out a nervous and fake smile.

I lifted one eyebrow and than got with Lisa to the main area.

"It really sucks that they can't get out yet." Lisa said eating some of her soup.

"I know and I was so happy that I could finnaly talk with ethan."

I was sitting on the bench that was attached to the table. My back to the table looking at Ethan's cell.

Should I tell him I like him?

What no I don't even like him. Right?

Why is this so hard for me. The only person I've had feelings for was for Jacob.

I think I maybe do like him but something inside me is just scared for what Jacob will do when he finds out.

He doesn't have to find out. He won't find out.

If he would he would probably kill him. Or me.

What am I even saying it won't happen because he probably don't even likes me.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" Lisa interrupted my thought.

"Sorry. What did you say?" I snapped out of my thought and looked at Lisa.

"Never mind. I'll tell you when Ethan's not on your mind." She shaked her head down laughing.

Guys I'm almost at 1k reads omg💗

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