part 10

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Subaru POV:
Tch that demon is really.....flirty, she seem like an girl version of laito...but she was beautifull even her taste in flower was weir- no it's not weird it's rare actually she was beau- oh stop it subaru don't thought about it
"Hey kawaii~kun hell~o"(y/n) said while holding an...shovel??? WTF is she gonna do with shovel
"If you don't snap out to reality right now i will kick where sun doesn't rise"(y/n) said while lifting her leg and grinning sadistically
"What the fuck are you doing with shovel"i said
"I want to bury ayato corpse"(y/n) said with a sickly sweet smile's look cute
"Notice the sarcasm please"she said while blowing a kiss ummm....toward me
"Ugh...put that shovel down, we don't use that we just use th-"i get interrupted by that demon herself
" mean this scissor"she said while snatching the scissor from me
"Tch it's not scis-"again i get interrupted
"Yeah-yeah whatever kawaii-kun, let's go to the work, so what are we gonna do"she said


Your POV
"Ah...i'm tired like i just come back from hell"i said while laying at the ground
"Hey wake up demon, don't lay here"subaru said while blushing
"Awe...pwease give me an piggyback kawaii-kun..pwease"i said with pleading eyes
"Tch..stand at your own feet"he said while turning away and walk away
"Uwah..kawaii-kun hate me he doesn't like me uwahhh"i faked my tears making his turn to me
"T-tch stop crying would you f-fine i wi-will give you pig-piggyback it's not like i'm wor-worried i-it just yo-your crying really an-annoying me n-now come o-on"he said while crouching so i can go at his back shining knight in armor then i quickly go to his back then we walk away to the mansion
"Hehehe kawaii-kun would you be my new cuddle doll because you really warmer and more comfortable than my cuddle doll"i said while snuggling
"Tch sh-shut up i-i don't to be yo-your cud-cuddle doll"he said and i see a bit of his face awe..he blushing
"Yayy...were here at my bedroom thank you kawaii-kun for the trip, i hope we can stay muu~ch longer"i said in flirty tone
"Tch shu-shut up and go to your room"he said while teleport away leaving me alone and now i'm gonna go to wash myself i smell awfull, i go to the bathroom and look at my surrounding to see if any pervert vampire in here then i quickly stripped myself and go to the bath


Laito POV
"Laito go call (y/n) now the dinner alnost done"reiji said
"Hai...rei-chan"i said and see an tick mark appear at his head and i quickly teleport away to sadist-chan room then what i saw was really amazing
Sadist-chan wearing only an short jeans and an (f/c) bra
"Well sadist-chan i don't know that you have an big bo-"i get interrupted by sadist-chan throwing pillow at me with dark aura surrounding her then she said with dark tone
"Why can't you knock instead rudely teleport inside in a ladies room now before i cut you're ball and shove it to your ass GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE YOU HENTAI"and i quickly go away

To be continued

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