Chapter 1

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My reputation is a hot, smart, slut, sexy, know-it-all girl. I've gone on a date with half of the boys from my high school. Girl call me slut. Boys call me sexy. I don't think I'm either. I think I'm pretty and smart. I do date a lot of guys, but it's not like I brake their hearts. They always break up with me and I usually get asked out the next minute. When I haven't dated in a long time I ask guys I like. I put my flirt on because I'm scared of rejection. I guess I dress like a slut, but I just wear what's comfortable. I'm a straight A student and get the highest score on all the test that they reveal.

I walk confident to James, one of the best football players in my school. I sit on his desk and cross my legs. He seemed to noticed I was wearing short shorts with a low cut tank top. I flash my flirty smile," Hey James."

He shutters," H-h-hey Valentine. What brings you here?"

I answer," Well, I thought, maybe, we could hang out."

He asks," Sure, when?"

I flutter my eyes and reply," Tonight, I heard there is a pool party at Jens place at 8pm to 4am."

He nodded and smiled," Sure, I'll pick you up at 7:30."

I hop off his desk and smile," Great, see you there." I walk back to my group of friends. I know most of them hate me though. I sit in the circle and reveal the answer," He said yes."

Jen rolled her eyes," Of course he did."

I snap," Excuse me?"

She looked me in the eyes and smiles," I'm just kidding Val. I'm so happy for you."

I half smile and says," thanks." 

The teacher walks in and yells," Everyone sit down. Class has started." We all slide into our chairs. He continues," We have our test back. I'm proud to say I saw some people improve and others fail. Let's give a hand of applause to the highest score in the grade..." He opens an envelope. " I'm happy to announce it is Valentine Blue again."

Everyone clapped and congratulated me, while others rolled their eyes and said," Of course she did." The test was half of our grade. It was really hard and took me two weeks of studying.

He passed the test out in alphabet order. I look at my grade, 99%. I frown, 1 wrong out of 100. How could this happen? My friend, that I believe is really my friend and not just hanging around for attention like Jen,  Abby asks," What did you get?"

I frown," 99%"

She smiles," Nice work Val. I got 75%. I passed." She sighed of relief. I smile. I loved how chill she was. I wished I didn't care. I was born to care.

At church, before I even went to school, I studied every night for test in my kids classes. In the day I read the children's bible. I would help my mom cook food for our church. As I grew up I got to help her cook in the soup kitchen. We were rich so we would donate money to orphanages or finding cures to cancer. We do whatever we can.

My dad is a CEO to the best and highest phone company and my mom is a CEO of the make up company. She's also a model. Somehow I became a teen model. I model for swimsuits or just clothes for a store. Once I was a model for an energy drink. I never got to go around the world though. I only got to be a model during summer so could focus on school. 

School was slow but entertaining. We got a lot of test back and of course I got the best grade in the whole grade. Once a guy was about to beat me but I beat him by 1%. My heart almost stopped. I plan on going to a good college and becoming a children's nurse. Or I could continue on my model Career. 


I put my textbook down and put on my red bikini under jean shorts and a lose tank top. I grab a towel and sit down and wait.

After a couple of seconds he knocked on my door. Right on time. I open the door and see James in his swim trunks and a white t-shirt. I smile," Hey."

He blushes," H-Hi Val."

I turn off the lights in my dorm room and close the door. I asks," Shall we go?"

He nods," We shall." We walked to his truck. He grabbed my waist and helped me up. I bet he bought this just so he could do this to girls.

_____________At Jen's house______________

We walk in arm and arm, through the door. We walk past couples making out and drunk people dancing to loud music, to the backyard. We walk to our group of friends that were all dating each other, except Jason and Abby. Jason is the captain of the lacrosse team and Abby is a volleyball player. I smile," Hey guys."

They smile and wave. I take off my clothes revealing my red bikini. James takes off his white shirt revealing his perfect abs. He looks at me staring at his abs. I blush and look away.

The rest of the time we all went swimming, but we dried up when we had a bonfire.

I wrap myself in a blanket with James. James puts a marsh mellow on a stick and asks," You want one? I make them warm and tasty."

I blush," Sure." He smiled back and flushed red. I had to admit, he was super cute.

He made the smore and gave it to me. He demands," Try it." I take it out of his hands and stuff it in my face. I smile and he laughs," You have some chocolate on your cheek."

I turn around and try to get it out. He smiled and moved my hand. I look deep into his beautiful brown eyes and melt. He insists," Let me." He leans in and I close my eyes. He wipes it with his hand. I open my eyes embarrassed. It was the normal thing  fot a guy to kiss me on our first date. 

He asks," did you want me to kiss you?"

I flush red," um...well I just thought you would..."

He interrupts," Maybe another time. I don't want you thinking I'm going to use you. Guy's who kiss you on your first date are either using you or trying to be like a movie. I don't believe in fairy tales, but happy ever afters are real."

I smile," I guess I've been used my whole love life."

He hugs me and whispers," not anymore." We sat looking at the stars.

The whole time I felt butterflies in my stomach.  He brought me home and kissed me on the cheek. He asks," Um...I was wondering if you would go with me to the dance next month." WOW! I've never been in a relationship for a month! 

I nod," sure, see you in math tomorrow."

I walk though the door. My roommate, Jessica, gets up and ask," Hey! How was your date at 'you know who's' party."

I smile," It was just perfect and everything I wanted ever in my life. You know I don't hate Jen, you don't need to call her 'you know who'."

She sat on out couch," but we know you hate her but just say you don't because you say hate is murder."

I sit next to her and grab the popcorn bowl. I stuff my face and say," That's very true."

She eat some popcorn with me and asked," So is James a good kisser?"

I roll my eyes," we haven't kissed yet."

She laughed," Yeah reight. Every guy is dying to kiss you. They always do it on the first date."

I shake my head," He didn't, I think he's different."

She asked," Different bad, or different good?"

I smile just think about him. I answer," Different good."

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