Chapter Eight

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Yandere Route (A Little Lemonade)
I woke up next morning. I got ready as usual and headed out the door. I waited a couple minutes for Lyn. She didn't come out of her house which is weird. I decided to come into her house. Then, I heard a loud scream.

I came to the room where the scream came from. I saw her mom horrified from the sight of her daughter on ground. Dead.

"Miss, what happened to Lyn...?" I asked.

"..(y/n)... I don't know.. I found her dead on the daughter.." She said as she cried more.

I called 911 and the police came. "Sorry Miss, I have to go to school or I'll be late.." I said sadly.

"I see then.." She said as she wiped her tears away.

'Who would ever kill Lyn? She has no enemies and she minds her own business. But.. that killer will pay for what he or she did to my best friend. She was my only genuine friend I ever had, we were friends since elementary and her life had to end in high school. Now.. I'm all alone..'

I walked to school quickly ran to my locker and got my needed books. I ran to class and sat on my assigned seat. My homeroom teacher was Mr. Hatake. He was also my English teacher. Iruka was my history teacher. Orichimaru was my science/chemistry teacher. Pein was my math teacher. Guy-Sensei was my P.E teacher. Itachi was my elective class teacher which was chess class.

I only took three advanced classes. Which was history, science, and English. Mr. Hatake usually came in late like 5 minutes after bell rang. I'm still surprised that he still had his job. After 5 minutes, he came into the classroom and checked the attendance. "So.. Lyn isn't here today (y/n)? You're usually with her and you live next to her." He said.

"Well... you see Mr. Hatake.." I paused. "Go on." He said.

"Lyn is dead, she was found dead on the floor of her bedroom. Her mom and I saw the scene. I called 911 to report the death.." I said sadly.

Everyone was shocked in the classroom. "I see then..." he said.

After a while, I went to recess. I stuffed my backpack in my locker and closed it. I started to walk away until in encountered Mr. Redhead again. I walked passed him like he wasn't there. "Where are you going?" He said.

I stayed silent. Becuase silence was what made me calm. "Stop ignoring me." He said in a stern tone.

I kept on walking. Then, he grabbed my shoulder. "Listen to me and answer me question." He said.

"Or I can sue you for harassment instead." I answered back.

He realized what I said, and let go of my shoulder. "Then.. why is your behavior like this?" He asked.

I looked at him. "Becuase my only best friend died and I saw it. Then tell me.." I said. "Did you kill her?"

He looked at me. "Maybe I did." He said.

I was a bit shocked by his choice of words. "If you did, I would never forgive you." I said.

"Maybe you could." He said.

"That isn't possible." I said.

"Then, I'll make it possible." He said.

He then pinned me to the wall. "Stop." I said.

He slid a leg between my legs. I blushed a little. I could feel his breath against my neck. He then moved his mouth near my ear. "You will be mine." He whispered.

"Never." I said.

He licked a part of my ear. I blushed more. "HELP MEH THERE'S A MOLESTER ON THE LOOSE!!" I shouted on top of my lungs.

He removed his leg from between my legs. "Clever trick. But don't forget, you will be mine. And I'll kill anyone to make you mine and to dispose the evidence." He said as he fled.

I quickly had to do something. I quickly got a hard rectangler object and placed it near his locker and taped a paper that said "a recording" so it would look like a prank. I quickly ran away from the locker and went to my next class. The next thing, I saw:

Deidara dead on the floor.

Tsundere Reader Route
I got ready for school and walked with Lyn to school. I went to my locker and the redhead was near. "(Y/n)." A familiar voice said.

It was the redhead. I looked at him as I opened my locker. "Can we be friends?" He asked.

"Umm.. why?" I asked.

"Because I want to get closer to you." He said.

"Fine then Mr. Redhead. Try and get close to me. It's gonna be hard." I said.

"Alright then." He said.

I walked to class. Let's see Mr. Redhead.

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