The Phox, Amaranth, and Alizarin

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It was the fall of 1933 and time was moving as fast as the red leafs shed off the trees. Like most families at the time we were quite poor, yet we still maintained a happy living. My 14th birthday was coming up in just a week. It was no big event tho. With the lack of money to spare their is not much we can do for my birth day. My father Stan was a doctor, and my mother Linda stayed home and watched over us. I attended school with my older sister Beth. My name is Danny, and we are the Phox family.

We live in a small Louisiana town called Amaranth. A swamp lays east of town and the niggers lived on the western side of town. In the middle of town was a small town square. Father says that only decent folk live in south town. Father also told me only a fool would go to the west side of town, and only a mad man would go to the north side.

My days mostly consist of exploring the swamp with my friend Alizarin. I know very little of his life at home, or anything of his personal life. I have yet to meet his family, nor have I ever seen where he lives. I'm fine not knowing those details, and I'm glad I have a good friend. We meet most days at the swamp at 4 pm.

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