Red fungi

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It was the day of my birth day. I was on my way to the swamp. As I was walking the stone path I noticed small red mushrooms scattered here and their on the ground. I continued to walk then I noticed their was a unusual amount of mushrooms in front of miss Rubys' house. I stopped to look at them. I touched one lightly and it huffed out a cloud of red dust. "You boy!" Shouted miss ruby from her porch. "Y-yes ma'am?" I replied. "Don't you be touching those mushrooms!" She barked as spit slide down her whisker covered chin. "Why shouldn't I miss Ruby?" I asked. "I sense something wicked about those mushrooms. You listen to me, and not touch them" she said and went back into her house. She wasn't the finest lady around. Her face was covered with small hairs and she wore layers of makeup. She had a strange figure and walk for a lady. Her voice sounded like a frogs croak, and her brown-red hair was always tangled mess.

I continued to walk the stone path. As I got closer to the swamp the amount of fungi increased. It was unusual that Alizarin had not greeted me yet considering I was already quite deep into the swamp. I was finding it hard to not step on the red mushrooms. Clouds of red dust were forming at my feet with every step. As I was walking I herd a loud low pitch growl. I froze with fear. "Alizarin!" I shouted as I ran through the thick tall grass. I ran into Alizarin. "Don't ....move" he mumbled. I slowly turned my head to see what he is looking at. Their before us lays a huge alligator with red mushrooms sprouting out of its skin. We slowly looked at each other then fixated our eyes back on the reptilian beast. It let out another low pitch growl and took a few slow steps forward. We slowly stepped back, but before the beast could attack a large mushroom sprouted from its skull. It let out a red dust cloud. The red dust scattered all over us and the surrounding area. The beast had gone limp and died. More smaller red mushrooms sprouted out from the beast surface. "Look!" Alizarin shouted and pointed to my leg. Little mushrooms were sprouting from my pant leg. I scream with terror for I knew I would have the same faith as the reptile, but with closer inspection I discovered the mushrooms were sprouting from my cloths and not me. The tension left me and, I deeply Inhaled and slowly exhaled. I looked at Alizarin and said "Their only on my cloths". "Oh ok g-good" he said and relaxed. I could tell he was not only worried for my health, but his as well. "I think we should go home away from these mushrooms" I suggested. "Yeah and fast" he agreed."Bye for now" I told him and ran home. As I was running home more mushrooms sprouted on my cloths. I got home and threw away my now ruined cloths.

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