Snow And Ashes

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(Image belongs to me (it's not a very good one, 'cause this was AGES ago.))

Yuki P.O.V

I can't believe it... They're all gone... And so will I... Or will I...? Are those footsteps...? Someone's still alive...

Kuro P.O.V

Did I really have to do that...? Maybe this was a bad idea. Did I really have to kill him...? Ok. Just don't think about it. Everyone had their say in the vote, so it shouldn't be a problem. They all forgave me, too. That is, except for Lawless...
Then I hear crying underneath broken parts of a house.
Is that a child?! Oh, crap!
I quickly run to the broken parts of the house and throw it behind me.
Oh god, these are heavy. This child must be injured really badly... And it's my fault...
As I pick up the last part of debris, I see a little girl that is injured really badly, blood soaking her clothes.
Damn it...
She looks at me, with a scared expression on her face. She props herself up with her elbow, but falls back down. She huffs, tears running down her cheeks.
"Uh, are you alright?" I ask, causing her to look at me. She shakes her head. "No."
"Where does it hurt?"
"Everywhere? How?"
"All of my body parts hurt."
I look at her, head to toe.
Well, she is bleeding quite a lot...
I scratch my head. "Can you walk at all?" She shakes her head. "No. My legs hurt as well." I sigh.
Of course it does... Well, I got no choice...
I pick her up and look around, before walking out of the broken house. The girl looks at me, confused and scared. Then she looks around and sees dead bodies. She gasps and buries her face in my chest, clutching my clothes. "Hey, kid." I start. She looks at me, tears still streaming down her face. "How old are you?" She looks down and wipes her tears away. "I'm eight years old." I nod. "I see... What's your name?" She shrugs. "I don't know." I look confused. "What do you mean 'you don't know'?"
"My parents didn't give me a name."
"I see."
"Hey, mister?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"Since you know my age and name, I want to know yours."
I guess she's the curious type...
"I... I am... Eighteen years old...?"
She looks confused. "You sound so unsure when you say that... Anyway, what's your name?" I sigh. "It's Sleepy Ash."
"'Sleepy Ash'? That's a cool name. I like it."
I shake my head. "I don't think it's cool. I think it's stupid." She shrugs. Then something white drifts onto my nose and melts. "Huh?" We both look up and see it's snowing. "Oh, wow! It's snowing!" She exclaims. I look at her. "You like snow?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah, but it hardly snows around here." I nod. "I see." I look at her hair thoroughly.
White hair with a black streak? Is that natural?
"Your hair is quite strange." I say. She frowns at me. "Says the one with blue hair!" I sigh and roll my eyes. "Annoying..."
"Uh, Sleepy Ash-kun?"
'Sleepy Ash-kun'? That's a first.
I hum in response. "Why do you have eye bags? Haven't you been sleeping?" I shrug. "I guess you could put it that way."
"Uh, where're we going, anyway?"
I sigh. "You'll see."
"But, since you don't have a name..."
"Shall I give you one?"
She shrugs. "If you want." I look around. "You like snow, right?" I ask, and she nods in response. I touch her hair. "And your hair is as white as snow..." She looks confused as I touch her hair. "I'll call you 'Yuki' (snow)." She nods. "'Yuki'... Ok, 'Yuki' it is!"
"Alright, that's done with."
I slide the door open of a house with my foot and walk inside. I lie her on a bed and get some bandages and anti-septic wipes. "Keep still, ok?" I say, and she nods. She grits her teeth as I wipe the wounds on her body before wiping the blood away. "Sorry." I apologise. "It stings! I don't like it!" I sigh. "It will. Just be brave, ok?" She nods.
She's different. Not like other kids. It's strange.
I wrap the bandages around her wounds and sigh. "There you go. All done." She nods. "Thank you..." Then she hugs me, making me blush.
What is this... This feeling...? My heart is pounding so hard...!
She pulls away and smiles with tears in her eyes. Oh! Did I make her cry?  I wipe her tears away, then she says, "I like you. You're not like others, but I like that." I blush more.

I haven't been complimented like that for a while now... Just what is this girl? What's she doing to me?
She tilts her head and looks at me in confusion. "Are you alright?" She puts a hand on my forehead. "Do you have a fever or something?" I shake my head. "N-No... I'm fine. Really." She yawns. "Are you tired?" I ask. She nods. "Yeah..." She sits on my lap, putting one of my arms around her, then pecks my cheek, making me blush again. "I love you..." She mumbles, then lies her head on my chest. She slowly drifts off to sleep.
She looks cute sleeping...
I sigh. "What the hell is wrong with me...?" At first, I hesitate, then I plant a kiss on her forehead. "Good night, Yuki..." I whisper in her ear. I lie down on the bed with Yuki in my arms and slowly drift off to sleep.

Kuro X Young OC (Request)- Snow And AshesWhere stories live. Discover now