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Thank you and..


Emerald had spent almost two hours in a cafe with two empty cups of hot chocolate cause she's the type that doesn't like coffee. The whole time she was trying to think of a topic to write about for her one thousand word essay. "This is taking fucking forever. Why can't I just think of a topic?" She sighed to herself. Finally loss for inspiration she gathered her stuff and walked out.

Snow started falling fast as she rushed home her dark green, emerald locks waving behind her. Emerald honestly thought it was beautiful outside, but she
wanted to go home and get warmed up. She continued her pace high horsing her way home in the snow that's already fallen, till she seen something in the snow. She stopped for a second looking at it from afar. The wind picked up blowing more snow. The odd hair colored girl walked to the thing and seen it had collapsed into the snow. She walked closer seeing what looked like a small person? He looked frozen to the bone. The girl reached her hand out and he groaned. "Oh god, Um..." she panicked then picking him up with his scarf falling. She grabbed his scarf and sped walked home cause she didn't want to fall on the ice.

Emerald made it to the door kicking the snow out of the way. Sometimes mother nature can be a pain in the ass. She finally clear the snow from the doorway then unlocked the door. As she hurried in she set the cold guy, supposedly, on the table with her semi-warm drink on the table as she when in her room and got the hand warmer she never used then warmed them up. Then place them near him. He stopped shivering and leaned into the hand warmers. She look at this shrunken guy in front of her. He looked up at her and she obverses his features he had blue hair with eyes like emeralds, well one eye like her's. The left eye red and the right brown while hers were left red and right neon green. (Yeah in this world everyone's eye and hair color are off the charts crazy and a plus to that there all natural and that's copyrighted no stealing!XD) She continue to look at the guy while he looked at her scared until she broke the little staring contest they were have.

"Um I'm Emerald, Could I offer something?" Emerald kindly said.

He look up at her confused 'Why wasn't she hurting him or doing what the other giantess and giant do? Is she playing some fucking mind game?'

"Guess not much of a talker?" Emerald added. "That's fine though.."

'What the hell? You know what..' "I'm fucking done with you giants and your mind tricks! Just kill me already you've already took everything I loved and cared about away so why should I live only to suffer?!" He yelled hold both his middle fingers to her asking for a death wish even though none would come.

Emerald eyed him with a confused but sympathetic look in her muti-colored eyes.

"I'm sorry, for like everything that's happened to you but really i won't do that i promise I wouldn't do that!" Emerald said to the guy.

"Yeah fucking right! Thats what the giant said before he killed my parents! Shitty lies!" He yelled again.

"Well if I was a lie I would have already gotten mad at this point and done what almost anyone else would have done...but please just tolerate me until the snow storms passes then you can go if you want!" Emerald said.

He thought about it and well he knew his chance's out there were slim so he decided to stay until the snow storm ended. "Fine, I'll stay but I'm leaving when this is over!" He crossed his arms looking away from emerald sighing.

"....A-And might as well know my names it's mylo.." He studdered slightly not making eye contact with the girl.

"Nice to meet you, Mylo." 'I think I've found my inspiration' Emerald thought to herself and after mylo fell asleep she started her work.

I think I should end it there. Here Emerald and Mylo! Peace!

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