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I grabbed his collar and pulled it so that his face was close to mine. "What do you mean someone wants me dead?!" I hissed through gritted teeth, he opened his mouth to respond when all of a sudden the door suddenly flung open and in came the school's heartthrob and my ultimate crush. Well, this is convenient. Getting stuck in the boy's bathroom with my teddy bear, and being seen by my crush who is left to assume what the hell we were doing in the boy's bathroom.

"Oh. Am I interrupting something? I kinda need to take a dump. The burger does not agree with me." Eddie Fischer said awkwardly pointing at the cubicle. My face turned tomato and I just nodded, dragging Theodore by the collar, all the while choking and protesting how much I was harassing him.

"Ow, ow, ow!" he protested. "Damn woman, what is it with you and harming me?!"

I released his collar, I glared at him and pointed an accusing finger at his face. "It's because of you! If you hadn't suddenly turned into something other than you were supposed to then maybe I wouldn't harrass you!"

His eyes dropped to the floor as if ashamed, good thing there weren't many people in the hallway, no one would possibly hear me telling Theodore off. In a way, he was the victim here, he did absolutely nothing wrong, well maybe except for the whole I'm-your-teddy-bear-for-a-second-then-the-next-I'm-an-Abercrombie-model-who's-sleeping-right-beside-you. I really have no room to complain. "It's your fault for keeping me." he mumbled. His warm brown eyes met mine, and he sighed. "Why did you keep me all these years? After what he did to you? You were practically gonna murder the guy and yet you kept me around, what's that about?"

My cheeks flushed and I gulped the lump forming in my throat. "It's none of your business," I said through gritted teeth, unconsciously I felt my fist clench and unclench. "Now tell me who wants me dead."

"Well it shouldn't be in this place." he whispered, looking around at the random people who are staring at us. "Mind if we go somewhere else?"

"Like that's an option, I still have three classes left." I averted my gaze from his as I tried to figure out how to coax this new-found information from him.

"Right, like you don't cut from time to time?" he rolled his eyes, suddenly he grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the school's exit.

"I DON'T! LET ME GO!" I scrambled to get his hand off of me but he didn't seem like he was about to let go any time soon. I tried to scratch his hand off but all he gave was a hiss and firmer grip on my arm. I glared at him as I struggled to keep my ground but he was stronger than I expected.

He kept on dragging me until he eventually stopped by the gates, he hasn't released me yet, he stared at me for a second before raising his hand and flicked my forehead. The next thing I know I wasn't at the school, I was in a totally different place.

The place looked like a factory, conveyor belts were all lined up below the catwalk and people in scrub suits were by the conveyor belts and assembling what looked like...

"Teddy bears?! Are those teddy bears?!" My eyes widened as I realized they are indeed teddy bears. I looked at him and then at the hundreds, no thousands of teddy bears being shipped in boxes.

"Yup." he said, popping the p. I gaped at him and then at the scene in front of me.

"How did we get here?! And why on earth are we in a teddy bear factory?!" I exasperated, throwing my hands up and pointedly glared at him.

He opened his mouth but I was surprised it was a woman's voice who replied. "This is not a factory, Ms. Paige." I slowly turned around and found a woman, around her 20's. She was wearing what looked like an executive's clothes, pencil skirts, stilettos and all. She looked like a professional.

"Well if this isn't a factory, then what is this place?" I asked cautiously at the presence of a person who may or may not be capable of chewing my head off at any given time or place. I feel intimidated and small, she seemed like the type of woman who will not hesitate to slap you in the face if you badmouth her.

She grinned at me, her smile reached up to her eyes. Just from the look of her face I know what she's going to say, and it's not good. Something tells me this Monday cannot possibly get any more worse than it already is. "The headquarters. This is the mothership, where all the Protectors come from. This is where we're made. Welcome aboard."

Oops, too late.

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