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It was around 6 PM when the alarms started buzzing, the whole place blinked red in the light. It was a pretty alarming sight so I ran straight for her room, but when I opened it, it was empty. My eyes widened and I ran everywhere, flinging doors open but when I opened Stephen and Viv's room, Stephen was gone. I ran towards Viv, shaking her awake. She turned around in bed, didn't wake up but only stirred, so I did what we were told to do when someone says: "Five minutes more". I stooped down, enough to speak to her ear and whispered: "Justin Bieber's here, and he's going to sing for you."

Two seconds later: "OKAY I'M UP! MAKE HIM GO AWAY!" she scramed, bolting up, earning herself a whiplash, I laughed hard at her reaction, when she found me she only but glared, then I remembered that Claire and her brother are missing.

"Get up and get dressed we have to find the others!" I said, moving towards the door already, waiting patiently for her to understand what I'm saying, why is it so hard to talk to someone who just woke up? I went over to her, she was giving a confused look. I gently pulled her to her feet but she was purposely making herself heavy, or she was just heavier than she looked that I didn't anticipate so I can't lift her... either way she was heavy.

"No time to freaking explain, just get up!" I said through gritted, already panicking since I wasn't there for Claire, I wasn't there to protect her and I am her freaking protector for Pete's sake!

As she was getting up, the door opened further, and in came Miss Tate. She looked very alarmed. "They're missing!"

"Yes, I know." I replied and that's when Viv realized that he brother wasn't there, and she might as well assumed that Claire isn't there either.

"Also, Lance is up to something. I can't describe it, you have to see it for yourself." she said running towards the hallway, I ran after her, followed by Viv who was still groggy.

She ran up the staircase two at a time as did I. Viv on the other hand tired easily so she was taking it one at a time. I didn't bother to wait for, I had to know what he was doing.

That's when I saw it, on the huged window in the factory. People who were burning things down, and smashing windows, and hitting each other.

"What is wrong with them? Have they gone mad?" I whispered.

"No, but my guess is it has something to do with their eyes." she pointed out. I looked closely at their eyes and that's when I saw it.

"Their eyes are closed." I realized.

"I'm also guessing that it has something to do with Lance's sand. His commanding them, what he's up to I don't know but he has Claire and her friend."

I nodded, and at the same time Viv got to the top of the steps, I sprinted down.

"Viv! Come on we have to get her back!"

"Seriously?! But I just got here!"

"Just follow me!" I yelled back to her, I raced towards the hourglass and my armor. Hold on Claire. I'll be right there, just hold on.

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