Jughead~ Saved For a Rainy Day

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I sat in the windowsill of my bedroom, watching the rain slowly trickle down the cold glass. I didn't have anything to do, and I loved rain. I sat, humming and watching my breath fog up the glass around my face. I like using this time to think. Mom and Dad invited me to stay back in Greendale, but they were fighting so much, I just up and left to my little haven in Riverdale. A cozy two bedroom, one bathroom apartment that I had been living in since freshman year.

I tried to think back to a time where I was happy, and without worry, but I can't remember. The closest I ever got was with Jughead. He made me happier than anyone ever did. I stand up and walk to a small table with my camera and a few photos on it. I pick one up of me and Jug. I walk back to the windowsill and clutch the picture to my chest. I wish he didn't leave.


"It's the opportunity of a lifetime, Y/N! I can't believe it!" Jug almost squealed into the walls of our shared apartment, as if he were a fangirl talking about his crush.

"NYU. Pretty big deal Forsythe." I teased. He gave me a quick glance and rolled his eyes. Getting into NYU was his dream. Getting in for Journalism? You couldn't put a price on the reaction he had to the acceptance letter. I smiled sadly. You knew this day would come, don't be so dramatic!  I thought to myself. I'd come when I was a freshman, and Jug was a  sophomore. He'd taken me under his wing, as a little sister type thing. I'd always wanted more. But who am I kidding? I'm younger than him. He always had a thing for Betty anyway. It sounds terrible, but I almost wanted to hide the letter from him. I knew that one way or another, someone would be crushed by it. I knew deep down it would be me.

"I can't wait to tell the others!" He said, grabbing his Serpent jacket and putting it on. 

"Yeah, have fun." I said, turning to my computer to finish an essay for school.

"You're coming with me."

"Am not."

"Are too." he replied like a child, pulling me out of my desk chair.

"Ugh. Fine. Give me a minute to get ready." I said, defeated by his charm. He smirked. He knew how to push my buttons like that. I put on makeup, a green shirt, black skinny jeans, and my Serpent jacket. Yeah that's right. My serpent jacket. I walk out and grab the keys to my bike. "Let's go." Jughead smirked as he followed you out of the door.

"I knew you'd come around." Jughead laughed.

"Whatever Forsythe. You broke me" Just like you're breaking my heart

End Flashback

I miss him like crazy. I didn't even tell him how I felt. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, to erase any evidence that I'd been crying.  I put on one of Juggy's old flannels and some black pyjama shorts. I put my shoulder length dark brown hair into a messy ponytail. I walk to my room and pick up the Polaroid again. I put on some music on a bluetooth speaker and lay down, clutching the Polaroid to my chest. I curl up into a ball and close my eyes, listening to the bass pump through the speaker. After a few songs, I hear a knock at the door. I hop up to answer. I open the door, and without even looking to see who was at the door, I answered,

"What do you want?"

"Well I wanted to see my sweet little Y/N, but I guess she isn't here anymore."

"JUG!" I screamed, jumping into his arms.

"There's my Y/N!" he said, picking me up and hugging me tightly. 

"I've missed you so much!"

"I can tell." Jug says looking at the shirt I'm wearing. I blush and let out a faint chuckle.

"Yeah, you left it here. I figured I'd take care of it." I neglected to mention that I bought the laundry detergent and cologne he used to make it smell like him.

"May I come in?" 

"It's still partially your house Jug."

"Okay." He grabbed his bags and tugged them inside, and into his old room. It's exactly as he left it. I only go in there to dust and wash the sheets.

"Wow. Not a flannel out of place." He marvelled. "I thought you would've turned it into a spa by now."

I punch in the shoulder. "Not enough room Juggy." He smiles and wanders back into the living room. 

"Not much has changed." He looks at me and sadly smiles.

"Yeah. Not much of anything has happened since everyone left, Jug"

"You have friends in your grade, don't you?" I couldn't say anything. I really didn't. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I wouldn't have left you if I knew."

"That's why I didn't say anything. You had a future to pursue, Jug. A lowly junior can't stop you from that." I explain.

"You're not lowly. You are.. the love of my life"


"I love you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. I have since I first laid eyes on you. No grade difference will ever change that."

"I-I love you too, Jug" He pulled me in for a kiss. After we pulled away, I grabbed the Polaroid of me and Jug. "This is what kept me sane." I giggled.

"It's lovely." He took a thumbtack from a desk drawer and put it on the wall in the living room. "Let's make more memories." he suggested. I smile and kiss him again, cherishing every moment we've had together. I'm glad I saved that picture for a perfect rainy day. 

A/N- I made a bittersweet/happy imagine! Better than the other cheating imagines, right? If you liked it, vote and comment so I know. Requests are open, just remember to read my rules before you suggest. Bye my lovelies, and I shall see you in another time! 

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