Today me and Grayson are just getting finished moving into the house. We're so excited.
"Hey babyyyyy!" He said coming into the bathroom while I was in the shower.
"Hey babe." I said.
"Can I join?" He said.
"Well I mean we're married so I don't care." I said. Not even 5 seconds later he's in the shower.
"Heyyyyyy!!" He said smiling.
"Hiiiiiii" I said. ——————— Once we finished getting ready I put this on:
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Then I went to the car were Grayson was waiting on me. —————— We finally got to the house and began to finish up moving in.
"I love youuuuuu!" Grayson said tackling me on the bed in our room and getting in between my legs.
"I love you too." I said closing my eyes because he was rubbing his left hand up and down my side and his right hand was holding him up over my head while he was kissing my neck.
"We are here bitches!" Hayden yelled coming in the front door downstairs. We got up and went downstairs.
"Hey Hayden I didn't know you were coming over here." I said.
"That's because we are going to a club tonight bitch now go get ready because it's 6:09 and it's a Friday night and you don't need to be unpacking every thing." She said.
"Do we have to go to a club, I don't want to drink Hayden." I said.
"Well to bad, at least one drink and we have a driver. His name is James Charles." She said as James came in.
"Okay, I'll be down in an hour." I said going upstairs with Grayson following me. I went to our room and went to my closet and got my outfit, I then went to take my shower.
Once I got out I wrapped my body in a towel and blow dried my hair, curled it, then put this on:
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I walked downstairs into the living room and everyone was looking at me.
"Woah sister!" James said.
"I need holy water!" Hayden said.
"Damn sis." Ethan said.
Grayson just stared at me speechless.
I went and put on my white vans because well, we all know I'm not wearing heels. Then I went back to everyone. Grayson was drinking some water.
"You look beautiful." He said.
"I thought you wouldn't say anything because of how speechless you were." I said laughing.